We understand just how effective and important mutual aid can be, perhaps, better than anyone else. Our Houses are spaces where people in need can easily get the help they require and some additional offers.
For our residents, we have put together a program that will help them to take care of the people close to them and gain additional bonuses for doing so.
Bring a friend — get discount coupons, both of you
Referral programs exist to give you a better deal for certain services from a given company. We have decided that for our Sober Community promoting our services is just as important as reaching out to people in need of assistance.
Terms of the Eco Sober Houses referral program are fairly straightforward:
- Be an Eco Sober Houses resident;
- Have a friend that could use our help;
- Invite your friend to become an Eco Sober Houses resident;
- Your friend becomes our residents;
- Both you and your friend get coupons for a 15% discount for residence at the House.
One important thing: one friend per resident, and the friend the resident brings has to become an Eco Sober Houses resident.
Both you and your friend might be eligible for a referral bonus, subject to the relevant terms and conditions.
You can receive your coupon from the House manager.

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