The Real Consequences of Drinking and Driving (DUI)

Alcohol in any volume affects the ability and speed of decision making. For this reason, appropriate legal restrictions are established. Drunk driving is dangerous not only for the driver and passengers of their car but also for other road users and pedestrians. It is not recommended to drive while drinking alcohol and is usually punished by law.
Yet, during a series of numerous corporate events, dinners with partners, and meetings with old friends, it is tempting to pamper yourself with a glass of wine or beer. Then, no one wants to leave the car far from home, or call a taxi, let alone use public transport. This is an understandable desire. However, there this situation has a reasonable and comfortable solution – you can use the services of a driver who will take you by your car to anywhere in the city. This can be agreed upon ahead of time with a person you trust or one can look up such services before drinking.
Dangers of Drinking and Driving
Alcohol primarily affects the nervous system. The state of alcoholic intoxication significantly affects the behavior of a person while driving and the speed of reaction. Control over the situation is lost.
- The most important thing when driving a car is to react quickly to everything that happens on the road. At a speed of 25mi/h, the driver will react to danger in about 0.6 seconds, while a drunk driver will need three times as long – 1.8 seconds. That is, if a driver in adequate condition can stop the car driving 7-8 yards, for a drunk driver will come to a stop after driving 23 yards.
- The viewing angle for a sober person is 150°, for a person who had a drink, it is only 4°.
- In a drunk state, it is impossible to correctly assess the situation and control it on the road. The inability to properly coordinate movements makes it even more dangerous
- A state of relaxation, excessive courage, and recklessness that some drivers have after drinking alcohol leads to the fact thata person in alcoholic intoxication does not feel danger on the road and can exceed the speed limit or make unthoughtful turns without realizing the consequences.
All this makes alcohol and driving incompatible concepts. By the way, in order for drivers to feel how alcohol affects driving, special simulators have even been created that simulate the state of alcoholic intoxication.

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DUI: Is It a Choice or an Accident?
The brain research and science explain how it is that a person can choose to drink and risk getting a DUI. Getting a DUI is not the biggest problem. The even greater concern is what a person can do. The first reason is not understanding how little it takes. Not understanding how the body processes alcohol is another reason.
Alcohol is not processed by the digestive system like other foods and liquids. In fact, it bypasses that process by moving through the stomach and entering the bloodstream through the walls of the small intestine. Since alcohol dissolves in water, the bloodstream carries it throughout the body where it is absorbed into tissues with higher water concentration. Alcohol leaves the body through the liver, not through urine, not through sweat and not through vomiting.
One unit of alcohol equals 8 grams of alcohol. BAC following consumption of one unit of alcohol will vary depending on the drinker, including gender, size, and how much food has been eaten. Approximately, one unit of alcohol increases BAC by 15 mg/100ml for men and 20mg/100ml for women. Individuals vary, but it takes approximately 1 hour for the body to break down 1 unit of alcohol.
Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) Levels and Effect on Driving
DUI Punishments and Penalties
Penalties for drinking and driving in the United States include fines, imprisonment, on-the-spot license suspension or revocation, and community service. These vary from state to state. Usually, the police would ask the driver to take a breath test and, in some cases, a sobriety test, which might include one walking in a straight line, saying the alphabet or counting. On average, the blood alcohol content limit is 0.10%, with some states requiring a lower number.
If this is the first time a driver is caught drinking and driving, a heavy fine and revocation of a license for up to half a year are what one will receive. Some states will also imprison the driver for one to sixty days after the first or second offense and/or require the individual to complete alcohol education or rehabilitation.
Punishment for drinking and driving that ends in an accident and/or death(s) is much harsher, although some believe they are not harsh enough for the consequences they lead to. Usually, the driver is imprisoned for many years if their driving leads to death or serious injury. It should be noted the DUI is not limited to just cars, but also includes bicycles, motorcycles, and even horses.

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Self-assessment of a drunk person is rarely objective. Often, many of us are unable to adequately assess the degree of intoxication and overestimate our capabilities. If you know for sure that in a certain situation you cannot do without drinking alcohol, it is better not to get behind the wheel, but to take a taxi, use public transport or have someone take you home.
Be careful while driving and obey the traffic rules and laws. Remember, driving drunk is extremely dangerous not only for yourself but also for other road users. Drivers should exclude even the thought of being able to drive after drinking. It is incredibly dangerous at any time of the year, at any time of the day, and in any situation on the road. Drivers should remember that just one extra fraction of a second that a drunk driving person will need to make a decision during a danger can be decisive and lead to irreversible consequences.
If you do decide to get behind the wheel, then think about other people who may innocently suffer because of your behavior. We all want to live and be healthy. Imagine that some drunk driver could kill or harm or even kill your spouse, child, friend, or loved one. Any drunk trip will cause someone’s terrible tragedy, and this should be remembered.
It is best to use a portable breathalyzer to determine whether to drive. They will help any of us to realize the degree of intoxication even before meeting with the traffic police inspector, and, therefore, avoid drunk driving. This will help prevent possible tragic consequences, as well as preserve your rights and reputation as a good driver.