Laura Millán


Laura Millan has been a social worker for 14 years. Having earned a bachelor's degree, she got her first job in Georgia. Early in her career, Ms. Millan provided counseling services for children and troubled teens. Having faced addiction in her loved one, she got anxious about the issues facing adult people. Over the years of working, Ms. Millan has helped recover hundreds of Americans. Currently, she is engaged in counseling, writing articles, and throwing light on the working in Eco Sober Houses.


Phone: +1 (617) 982-1790

zoom Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome: Main Things to Know about CHS

Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome: Main Things to Know about CHS

With the continuing legalization of cannabis across the U.S. states, its usage keeps increasing. However, despite its medical benefits, it contributes to a host of potentially harmful side effects. Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome (CHS) is a rarely diagnosed medical condition accompanied by extreme dehydration and other symptoms that occur in people who utilize cannabis for prolonged periods. In this article, we will clarify the nature of this ailment, explain how it affects health, and discuss possible pathways to recovery. What is Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome (CHS)? Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome is a dangerous disorder resulting in vomiting and abdominal pain. Its advanced stages

calendarJuly 22, 2024
zoom Are Psychedelics Addictive: Everything You Should Know about Hallucinogens

Are Psychedelics Addictive: Everything You Should Know about Hallucinogens

Psychedelic drugs are a broad class of medications that modify or amplify energy levels, cognitive functions, and sensory experience. They come in a variety of ways, from artificial substances like LSD to organic plant sources like peyote. We’ll discuss a very important topic today: are psychedelics addictive? The article will touch on the various risks and the dangers involved. Understanding Psychedelics The class of hallucinogens includes psychedelics as a subset. Unlike stimulants or depressants, psychedelics profoundly alter a person’s perception and thought processes. The fact that they are categorized as hallucinogens is not by mistake; they have the ability to

calendarJune 20, 2024
zoom Methadone Withdrawal: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment Options

Methadone Withdrawal: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment Options

Formerly used to treat heroin addiction and as a painkiller, methadone is an artificial opioid. Subsequently, it became apparent that this medicine rapidly leads to addiction and ruins the user’s health. Some of the most common methadone withdrawal symptoms comprise unbearable agony and a constant deterioration of the patient’s well-being. The withdrawal stage is highly challenging. It frequently results in pain and raises the risk of relapse. If you want to manage such an experience with ease, it is vital to understand the timing, severity, and possible changes in these symptoms. Today, let’s explore the complexities of methadone withdrawal and

calendarMay 14, 2024
zoom The Primary Risks of Performance Enhancing Drugs

The Primary Risks of Performance Enhancing Drugs

Most people who play sports at a professional level experience a desire to win. Each of them has their dream. Some do everything possible to perform on the best sports collectives. Others want to get medals at regional or world championships. This desire to win leads some athletes to consume medicines that will give them some advantage over their competitors. They are called performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs). The consumption of such chemicals is usually called doping. Simultaneously, doping is connected with some risks. This blog post will discuss the critical types of PEDs, their impact on our organisms, and ethical concerns

calendarApril 16, 2024
zoom Overcoming Benzodiazepine Withdrawal: Symptoms and Treatment

Overcoming Benzodiazepine Withdrawal: Symptoms and Treatment

Benzodiazepines are psychoactive medications commonly prescribed to alleviate a range of conditions, including anxiety disorders, insomnia, and epilepsy. The development of dependence on benzos arises from the unregulated consumption of the drug. The primary risk lies in the unforeseeable repercussions of its usage. Severe withdrawal syndrome is a major cause for concern. If you’ve been prescribed a benzo, it’s crucial to understand the withdrawal symptoms. Equally significant is gaining insight into the withdrawal timeline. In the article, we’ll shed some light on withdrawal and the duration it may persist. What is Benzodiazepine? Benzodiazepines function as medications that block receptors. This

calendarMarch 20, 2024
zoom Exploring How Long Does MDMA Stay in Your System and Addiction Treatment

Exploring How Long Does MDMA Stay in Your System and Addiction Treatment

Ecstasy is a generic term for a drug with any number of chemicals from the amphetamine class. They include MDMA, which activates the central nervous system. However, MDMA is frequently supplemented with other ingredients added to the pills, such as caffeine, amphetamine, barbiturates, ketamine, and LSD. MDMA is a synthetic substance that produces psychoactive effects by acting as a psychostimulant and hallucinogen. When someone opts for it, even for recreational use, he has an energy surge, his mood lifts, and bliss sets in. In our article, we’ll explore the key details and delve into the nuances of how long does

calendarFebruary 15, 2024
zoom Vicodin Addiction: Frequent Symptoms and Treatment Options

Vicodin Addiction: Frequent Symptoms and Treatment Options

Vicodin, a prescription pain medication, is a go-to medicine for millions of people worldwide trying to relieve moderate to severe pain. Due to its opioid nature, Vicodin has the potential to cause OUD (opioid use disorder) when used beyond the recommended dosage or period when people fall into the trap of addiction. In the article, we’ll touch on the Vicodin addiction, its symptoms, and treatment options. What is Vicodin Addiction? Vicodin falls within the class of analgesics. It contains Hydrocodone and Acetaminophen as active ingredients. The medication suppresses the central nervous system and helps a person stop feeling pain while

calendarJanuary 19, 2024
zoom Amphetamine Addiction: Symptoms, Treatment Approaches, and Recovery Process

Amphetamine Addiction: Symptoms, Treatment Approaches, and Recovery Process

Amphetamine addiction is about more than just using stimulant drugs. It becomes a pattern of dependence that significantly impacts both physical and mental aspects of daily life. Why is it vital to overcome addiction? Because it extends beyond an individual struggle, casting its effects on families, workplaces, and society. Recognizing the importance of tackling this challenge empowers individuals to reclaim control over their lives, fostering a path to healing, health, and a brighter future. Possible Symptoms of Amphetamine Addiction Amphetamine, also known as speed, refers to the “club drugs” or “smart drugs” category that is commonly used in social or

calendarDecember 14, 2023
zoom Everything about Ketamine Addiction: Symptoms, Side Effects, and Therapy

Everything about Ketamine Addiction: Symptoms, Side Effects, and Therapy

Despite being not as popular as opioids, ketamine causes severe problems and addiction. If you want to battle the dependency, the first step towards a drug-free life is to gain knowledge and make a plan for future treatment. This guide will give useful insights and support you need to break free from ketamine addiction. Eco Sober Houses is your partner and mentor who gives insight and hope to overcome the complexities of recovery. Understanding What is Ketamine? Ketamine is a popular and strong anesthetic that is widely used in medicine to induce anesthesia during surgical procedures. Among doctors, this remedy

calendarNovember 13, 2023
zoom Is Cannabidiol Addictive: Understanding the Nature and Effects of CBD

Is Cannabidiol Addictive: Understanding the Nature and Effects of CBD

Cannabidiol, or CBD, is a phenomenon that has recently grown to be a hit. The natural hemp substance has gained infamous popularity due to its possible medical benefits and lack of the euphoric effect linked to the more renowned hemp substance, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). However, as CBD has become more widely available and sought-after, so have questions about the substance’s possibility for addiction. In the article, we’ll touch on the primary points you must learn about CBD and dwell on the main thing — is cannabidiol addictive or not? What Is Cannabidiol? CBD (Cannabidiol) is a trendy ingredient in the healthy

calendarOctober 13, 2023
zoom Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Addiction and Substance Abuse Treatment

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Addiction and Substance Abuse Treatment

Addiction and substance abuse are widespread problems that ruin people’s lives, families, and whole communities. Luckily, there are some ways to help individuals overcome these problems. One practical and proven method is called CBT or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. It shows excellent results; nearly 50-70% of people stop using alcohol and drugs and achieve sobriety. The method requires time and patience, as sessions don’t stop when things get better. This article will explain the foundation of CBT for addiction approach. You will know the crucial therapy blocks and which format suits you better. What Is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in the Sense

calendarSeptember 19, 2023
zoom Finding out How Long Does Fentanyl Stay in Your System and the First Signs of Addiction

Finding out How Long Does Fentanyl Stay in Your System and the First Signs of Addiction

Drugs became a major issue in the USA, leading to a concerning surge in overdose deaths. Fentanyl has emerged as a potent and deadly player in the global crisis. At Eco Sober Houses, we witnessed firsthand the destructive effects of addiction on individuals and their families. It is a crisis that demands immediate attention, voicing, and intervention. Now we will delve into the reality of fentanyl addiction and explore how to identify dependency in your family member or soulmate. Likewise, we will explore how long does fentanyl stay in your system and deliver valuable information for addicts and their families.

calendarAugust 15, 2023
zoom Substance Abuse in Older Adults: The Rising Danger

Substance Abuse in Older Adults: The Rising Danger

According to recent research, substance abuse in older adults has become a growing threat nowadays. As individuals get older, their body’s response to alcohol and drugs undergoes significant changes. It applies primarily to seniors who often take multiple medications, some of which may pose a significant danger when taken with alcohol. The elderly should be cautious and aware of the exposure associated with mixing certain substances. Medication abuse can unintentionally happen if individuals up in years are not fully informed about how their bodies may react to certain substances. It is essential to consider improper medications, excessive alcohol consumption, or

calendarJuly 13, 2023
zoom Everything You Should Know about How Long Do Amphetamines Stay in Your System

Everything You Should Know about How Long Do Amphetamines Stay in Your System

Amphetamine (its street name is “speed”) is one of the modifications of stimulants that are utilized for medical purposes. Dextroamphetamine and methamphetamine are two of the most well-known kinds of “speed” that are often sold illegally. Both doctor-prescribed, and street-bought narcotics can be misused and addictive. Methamphetamine (meth) is the amphetamine consumed by most junkies. Amphetamine addiction is a dope intake disorder when you must take a daily dose. You may experience withdrawal signs if you stop taking analeptic abruptly. Let’s discuss how long do amphetamines stay in your system and whether they can be cleared faster. Primary reasons to

calendarJune 28, 2023
zoom Meditation for addiction recovery: Benefits and proven methods

Meditation for addiction recovery: Benefits and proven methods

One of the main goals of the addiction treatment and rehabilitation program is to help the patient find inner peace and harmony. An addict learns to manage stress, sense the world around them, and dispel negative ideas with the help of yoga, meditation, and spiritual activities. Any addict has to make a significant shift to put their dependence on alcohol and psychotropic drugs behind them. You can begin the path of rectification and enjoy an extended time of uninterrupted intellectual and psycho-emotional recovery by engaging in spiritual activities, especially yoga, and meditation for addiction. This article will explain the types

calendarJune 23, 2023