How Alcohol Can Weaken Your Immune System

Everyone knows how alcohol weakens your immune system. Despite the well-known unhealthy effects on the body, joy juice is tightly ingrained in our society. Each country has its national alcoholic drink and even has a culture of drinking it. To oppose the culture of drinking can only be realized what dangers the use of alcoholic beverages carries.
The immune system is the tool your body uses to protect itself from infections, such as harmful bacteria and viruses, so you don’t get sick. But like muscles, the immune system can also be weakened. Then it will no longer protect you from infections.
Healthy habits such as being physically active, having a balanced diet, and getting enough sleep can support your immune system. But unhealthy factors like stress, smoking, or drinking strain the immune system and make it harder to fight infections.
Alcohol: Is it really that bad?
Ethyl alcohol is a poisonous drug. It includes toxic impurities: esters, aldehydes, fusel oils, free acids. Alcoholic beverages take away water from all body cells with which it comes into contact. Drink enters the bloodstream, alcohol weaken your immune system, and the person begins to get intoxicated. The gastric mucosa absorbs approximately 90% of ingested alcohol. The drink works like this:
- It destroys the central nervous system. It changes the function of nerve cells, penetrating inside them.
- It affects the pancreas, the liver, stomach, and esophagus.
- The human brain suffers the most from alcohol.
- It sticks together red blood cells, which leads to blood clots.
- It has been proven that one hundred grams of vodka kill 8,000 brain cells. As a result, the brain becomes smaller in volume, scars, and sores appear on it, and hemorrhages and voids are also possible.
Harm from joy juice begins with memory impairment and ends with serious diseases that may not respond to treatment, and in some cases can lead to death. According to recent studies, even small doses of alcohol leads to some changes in the human brain and other body systems.

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The effect of alcohol on the human body
The body of a person who consumes alcoholic beverages wears out several times faster than the body of a healthy person who does not drink. Alcoholic drinks influence all systems and organs without exception, weaken the immune system and lead to frequent diseases. 45% of people who drink die of heart attacks. Not a small percentage of those drinkers commit suicide. Death also occurs from illnesses that arise due to the regular intake of alcohol. Alcohol pushes to actions of a criminal nature, rash acts.
So, what is the primary danger of alcohol? It is in its deceptive harmlessness. Californian scientists claim that ethyl alcohol in small quantities is safe. But they keep silent about where a small amount ends and drunkenness begins.
At the same time, there is no such addiction that would arise on its own. Most often, alcoholism grows specifically from the habit of drinking a bottle at moments of extraordinary joy and sadness in the circle of friends and relatives. It is difficult to find a more insidious liquid than alcohol. It impacts the brain, causing an imaginary feeling of happiness and high spirits. The effect is responsible for the emergence of a habit — instead of learning to enjoy the whole life, it is easier to cover the mind with a drink.
The harm of alcoholic beverages for the cardiovascular system
Not only do nerve cells suffer from the aggression of alcohol, it seems that the heart is harmed like that. The likelihood of myocardial infarction increases under the influence of alcoholic beverages.
Chronic poisoning of the heart muscles with alcohol reduces the efficacy of their contraction. Over time, heart failure develops from insufficient blood flow to the tissues of the heart. The most prominent symptoms of such issues are pain in this area and arrhythmias. Regular consumption of beer causes a beer heart, and it also contains a large amount of toxic cobalt (in small doses, this element is necessary to the body).
Alcohol affects blood pressure, causing hypertension (increased blood pressure). It increases the risk of stroke. As experts show, in healthy young people, systolic pressure rises due to the daily consumption of alcohol. Regarding stroke, regular drinkers are three times more likely to have a heart attack than non-drinkers.
The negative effect of alcohol on the digestive system
The digestive system also struggles because of excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages. Alcohol meddles with the digestion and absorption of nutrients. Furthermore, it causes an increase in the production of acidic gastric juice, which can harm the gastric mucosa.
Adhering to this regimen, you incur gastritis. The disease proceeds with the formation of ulcers, a feeling of pain, and bleeding. Frequent drinkers often develop esophageal varicose veins. These troublesome veins can rupture during vomiting or severe coughing and cause bleeding, sometimes fatal.
How does alcohol weaken your immune system
Alcohol has a strong effect on the immune system. Leukocytes, especially the so-called scavenger cells at the forefront of the fight against disease, are paralyzed by alcohol in the blood. It also harms the production of its messenger substances in the body. Moreover, it also slows down the production of the messenger substance interferon, which gives the attack signal in an imminent infection and thus activates the immune system. If the messenger substance is absent or more negligible is released, viruses and bacteria can no longer be fought so well. In addition, the body removes more vitamin C, potassium, and phosphate through the consumption of joy juice.
Excessive drinking leads to serious health problems
By damaging the cells of your body, it can be easier for pathogens to enter the bloodstream. If you drink too much, you lower your body’s defenses to fight off a cold, a virus, or other bacterial or viral infections.
The consequences are that you are more likely to catch a cold — excessive alcohol consumption is also associated with pneumonia and other lung diseases. It can also lead to various health problems, including high blood pressure and heart disease, liver disease, and increased cancer risk. Drinking large quantities of alcohol, even for a short period — for instance, binge-drinking — can be bad for your health and immune system.
Alcohol and human immunity
The immune system is a vital part of our bodies, therefore, numerous people want to know does alcohol weaken your immune system. The excessive use of strong drinks disrupts immunoglobulin synthesis, leading to a gradual weakening of the body’s defenses. How quickly this process will occur depends on its strength and frequency, and volume of alcohol consumption.
Under the influence of alcohol in tissues and biological fluids of a person, the content of the enzyme lysozyme, which can crush the cell walls of bacteria, thereby contributing to their death, decreases.
Ethanol inhibits the process of hematopoiesis. Leukocytes, white blood cells, which are the first to be mobilized to fight a foreign agent, cannot destroy the pathogenic flora. Consequently, infectious processes in alcoholics are more challenging and more prolonged than in people who are not subject to drunkenness.
With a single use of alcohol, the protective properties of the body are inhibited in the run of about two days. If a person drinks 2-3 times a week, then the immune system cannot recover to normal, and the risk of contracting viral and other infections increases significantly. Accordingly, people need to minimize their alcohol consumption in all situations.
Alcohol weakens the immune cells of organs
When a person is exposed to the virus, his body establishes an immune response to the attack and kills a foreign pathogen. The healthier a person’s immune system, the faster it can get rid of the virus and recover from the disease. By default, alcohol complicates the work of the immune system to prepare and protect the body from harmful microbes.
Alcohol adversely affects the body, including all immune system cells, leading to an increased risk of serious infections. For instance, alcohol damages immune cells in the lungs and small villi in the airways, which do important work — clearing pathogens from our airways.

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Wrapping Up
The data research of the World Health Organization is beyond doubt: every third case of premature death is somehow related to alcohol consumption. Some drink up to the destruction of the body. Others get into accidents under the influence of ethanol. Others lose self-control and harm themselves. Nevertheless, today a conscious choice in favor of a sober lifestyle is not so simple: successful men and women with a glass of joy juice look at us from TV screens, billboards, and their smartphones, and only at the bottom in a small and almost invisible font is a footnote: «Excessive alcohol consumption harms our health» to comply with the law.
Such mass advertising has a simple explanation: the profitability of the alcohol industry is calculated at billions of dollars, where each potential customer is another opportunity to line their pockets. It is enough to think with your head and worry about your health to counter this propaganda.
Sobriety is the key to health and longevity! If you or someone close to you develops alcoholism — psychological and physical dependence on alcohol, signs of a hangover — contact a manager to get psychological or medical help at The best team of specialists can help you on the way to sobriety.