Effect of alcohol on blood pressure

Alcohol and blood pressure
People who have been diagnosed with hypotension or chronic hypertension are especially interested if there is a relationship between alcohol and blood pressure. If have been asking “How does alcohol affect blood pressure?”, then read this article to find out.

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Factors that affect the relationship between alcohol and blood pressure
There are no reliable, scientific, and practical data on the effect of alcohol on blood pressure. Rather, it depends on many related factors and the individual’s tolerance for alcohol. The most important factor that, when combined with ethanol, will affect blood pressure is the person’s age. There is a direct relationship here: the older the person, the stronger the effect of alcohol on their blood pressure.
Cognac and white wine have the most noticeable effect on blood pressure change – they lower the pressure, while champagne, red wine, and beer increase it. As a rule, this effect is temporary, and it is not worth relying on it as a medical indicator.
Alcohol lowers blood pressure
It is difficult to say clearly if alcohol and high pressure are even compatible. Each body is individual and reacts in a special way to the effects of alcoholic beverages. If you do not neglect the doses, then the following alcohol drinks will help to lower high blood pressure:
- cognac
- whiskey
- white wine.
However, the effect will be temporary. Ethanol contained in alcoholic beverages lowers the normal vascular tone, thereby expanding them. About half an hour after consumption, the blood vessels begin to tighten, which leads to increased blood pressure and spasms. After 1.5-2 hours, everything will return to normal. This effect occurs in most cases, but one should not forget about factors such as the frequency and amount of alcohol taken, age, other accompanying diseases, etc.
Of course, drinking a little cognac at lunch is possible, but only in a very small dose approved by the doctor. White wine made from natural ingredients does not contain ethyl alcohol. However, is it worth drinking it daily? What can be said for sure is that champagne, beer, and red wine should be completely avoided by hypertensive people.
Alcohol increases blood pressure
As noted earlier, alcohol and high blood pressure usually go hand in hand. This is because alcohol stimulates the nervous system, causing an increased release of adrenaline and other stress hormones. Sweet wines and champagnes are also able to increase blood pressure due to a mixture of fructose, herbs, and alcohol.
Tachycardia that arises from alcohol intake also increases blood pressure because the heart starts to work faster, and the pressure on the walls of blood vessels increases. Therefore, it is deadly for hypertensive patients to consume alcohol (especially in large doses). Alcohol and high blood pressure combined translate into a higher risk of premature strokes and heart attacks.
In young people, the surges in blood pressure associated with alcohol consumption are less pronounced than in older people. On the other hand, alcoholic drinks are dangerous for those who are overweight. It is in such people that blood pressure is subject to strong surges, which leads not only to heart problems but also to the problems with blood vessels, destroying their elasticity and integrity. Mixing alcohol and drugs can be fatal due to muscle overload.
In addition, under the influence of alcohol, the water-electrolyte balance change. The kidney function worsens, which will certainly provoke an increase in blood pressure. High blood pressure under the influence of alcohol has several signs:
- dizziness
- weakness
- headaches
- nausea
IMPORTANT! Alcohol creates hypertension! It is alcoholics who are more likely to suffer from high blood pressure. For hypertensive patients, large doses can be fatal.

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How does alcohol affect blood pressure? From the information in this article, we can draw a conclusion that:
- Alcohol and blood pressure are closely related.
- Alcohol in a small amount really lowers blood pressure for a while, but subsequent doses, and regular consumption of alcoholic beverages, undoubtedly only lead to an increase in blood pressure.
- Alcohol should in no way act as a medicine to regulate blood pressure – it will rather lead to the opposite effect.
- Strong alcoholic drinks first dilate blood vessels and then cause spasms and problems in the cardiovascular system, which leads to strokes and heart attacks.
Alcohol consumption is dangerous not only for hypotonic or hypertensive patients. Scientists have shown that regular drinking of alcoholic beverages, even in small quantities, leads to hypertension sooner or later.