All you should know about how long does weed stay in your system

In recent years many states legalized the consumption of marijuana (we also call it cannabis, weed, ganja, or pot), and clients have easier access to this narcotic. The weed intake has increased dramatically in recent years as new products have emerged and public attitudes toward drugs have changed. However, marijuana is illegal in many places, and companies demand you pass a narcotic test when applying for a position. That’s why it is vital to comprehend how long does weed stay in your system and what procedures assist in detoxing faster.
Features of THC processing
Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the critical component of narcotics; it ensures a person’s euphoria when he smokes ganja. THC can be absorbed into diverse systems, including the brain and fat cells, or metabolized in the liver to generate metabolites. Approximately 65% of the pot is excreted in the feces; another 20% leaves the organism in the urine. The other elements are kept in various biological structures.
Over time, THC preserved in cells is released back into the blood and processed in the liver. When we speak about drug addicts who constantly intake pot, the narcotic accumulates in their fat cells faster than it is excreted. It grows the time for how long does weed stay in your body, so a marijuana drug test may be positive, many days or even months after intaking narcotics.

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The duration of finding cannabis in the organism
THC is highly soluble in fats and has a long half-life when the narcotic content is halved. How long weed stays in your body depends on how often a human takes weed. A recent study demonstrates an average half-life of 1.3 days with rare pot consumption. With more frequent smoking, the half-life ranges from 5 to 14 days. Let’s discuss how long does THC stay in system.
Saliva analysis
Such research has a minimum detection window; in most situations, it is real to define pieces of weed on the day of consumption. A study published in the Clinical Chemistry journal says that THC may be discovered in the oral fluid of smokers up to 72 hours after drug intake. Narcotics are in saliva longer than in the blood when discussing a hefty dose.
Analysis of urine
The ganja can be discovered in your urine anytime from days to weeks from consumption; it depends on how often the narcotic is used. Most often, experts voice the next time frames:
- A single consumption can be discovered within three days.
- Moderate intake (no more than five times a week) may be determined for three days.
- Daily intake can be discovered in 10-15 days.
- Intensive intake (several times every day) can be determined within 30 days.
Urinalysis is by far the most famous kind of marijuana check. Some people are tempted to purchase synthetic urine to pass the test, but they may be forced to retake the analysis if the specialist doubts the veracity of the results.
Blood analysis
The ganja does not stay in the bloodstream for long, so such checks are rarely used to discover narcotics. It is because although THC enters the blood fast (within minutes of inhalation), its concentration is significantly reduced 3-4 hours after inspiration.
Hair test
Companies often organize such a kind of screening, as it is a trustworthy variant to control the presence of narcotics. Such a check monitors metabolites in the organism, which lets specialists discover drugs within three months. After you take weed, it is moved from the bloodstream to the hair follicles.
A hair length of at least 1.5 inches is required to make a study. If a man does not have hairs on their head, they can be collected under the armpits or in other body areas. The hair check is more reliable with daily or near-daily drug use but may not always detect occasional cannabis smoking.
Does marijuana in food show up in drug tests
TCH reaches the bloodstream and various systems faster if hemp is smoked than when consumed. But if you prefer cannabis cakes, cookies, or teas, a narcotic check may demonstrate the dangerous substance in your organism.
Your liver will take time to break down the food, but it will eventually divide THC into metabolites that are excreted in feces and urine. The remaining elements enter the blood and are delivered to other organs.
Consider the average time of discovering the weed after food eating:
- urine sample 24 – 72 h,
- blood sample 24 – 48 h,
- saliva sample 24 – 36 h,
- hair sample up to 1 month.
The substances usually stay in your organism briefly unless you rarely eat weed products. Saliva tests show poor performance regarding meals, but experts still advise staying away from such a meal for a few days before check.
What determines the time of detection of ganja
The answer to the question of how long does weed stay in your system depends on different factors. Some criteria apply to you as an individual, while others are connected with your level of dope consumption. Let’s discuss what determines the time of stay of narcotics in the organism:
- Consumption volumes: if you intake a lot of weed, the body will fight and take a long time to resolve the metabolites and eliminate the narcotics.
- The technology of using cannabis: vaping and smoking ganja provides an immediate effect, while THC will be eliminated from the organism faster. If you consume cannabis foods, they take longer to process and exit, which means the narcotic stays in the biological structure longer.
- Genetics: certain groups of enzymes in the organism promote the rapid elimination of narcotics. The hereditary feature is the concentration of these enzymes. If genetically lucky, you can get rid of marijuana faster than others.
- Periodicity of consumption: the pot has a cumulative effect, which means that the more you intake it, the higher the probability that it will be found in your organism. Presence of fat: THC is a soluble substance, which means it may unite with fat molecules and stay in the organism longer.
People who lead a healthy lifestyle and exercise constantly may notice that THC leaves their bodies more quickly. However, we do not recommend exercising extensively before testing for narcotics, as this may cause the THC concentration to grow and result in a positive test. During sports activities, fat molecules are destroyed, inside which THC is preserved; the narcotic is returned to the organism.
How to get weed out of your system
Doctors agree the only way to eliminate ganja in the organism is to stop its intake. But if you are an experienced smoker, you must spend a lot of time to complete cleansing.
It is critical to comprehend many goods on the market to assist in speeding up the narcotic detox procedure. Consider several variants for detoxification and successfully passing drug check:
- Detox drinks do not entirely cleanse the organism from marijuana addiction but suspend the detoxification procedures; it takes approximately 4 hours before the kidneys can process the narcotics again, and traces of them appear in your urine. Among other things, the detox drink will fill the body with the substances in the urine and come out in optimal proportions.
- Detox pills assist detoxification by accelerating natural detoxification; e.g., with Toxin Rid, drug elimination is up to 75% faster. Even if you were notified to get tested just a day before the procedure, you could take a 24-hour course of detox medicines, removing a much more significant THC from the organism.
- Detox shampoo contains various components, including cocamide MEA and propylene glycol; active antioxidants can suck out toxins from the hair. We advise you to wash your hair with special shampoo 3-7 days before the examination and repeat the procedure a few hours before the screaming.
You can speed up the removal of toxins by adding to food fresh fruits and vegetables, giving up alcohol, drinking water, and exercising. We also recommend frequently urinating to remove traces of narcotics from the organism. In some situations, special treatment may be demanded.

This can be a difficult journey, but you don’t have to go it alone. Let us be your guide and provide you the environment needed to regain control of your life and begin the path to recovery.
Final words
It is sophisticated to say accurately how long does weed stay in your system and what to do to remove cannabis from the organism with no harm to your health. People may utilize home checks to see if narcotics are in the organism.
Generally, ganja disappears or achieves its minimum concentration after a month. If you intake cannabis infrequently, it may take up to ten days for the narcotic to leave your organism. To enshrine the effects after your cleanse, come to Eco Sober Houses to get support on your way to a life without weed.