Alcohol Shakes and Tremors

Regular alcohol intake becomes a reason for the development of chronic alcoholism and the formation of physical and psychological dependence. This complex disease has many symptoms that appear externally and help to accurately diagnose and determine the stage of alcohol dependence. Alcohol tremors caused by a disorder of the central nervous system is a clear sign of addiction.
What are alcohol shakes?
Alcohol shakes or alcohol tremors are the result of prolonged intoxication with ethanol and damage to both the central and peripheral nervous systems and muscles. Such a syndrome occurs in almost all addicted to alcohol. In women, it develops faster, which is explained by the peculiarities of metabolism and hormonal profile.
Alcohol shakes is a disease characterized by involuntary tremors of the upper and lower extremities, head, tongue. It implies poor coordination. Shaking after drinking develops when the body is poisoned with ethanol. It appears the next morning after drinking alcohol or 5-6 hours after taking alcoholic beverages.

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Causes of alcohol tremors
Specialists identify several reasons for the appearance of shaking after drinking alcoholic beverages, including:
- hangover
- issues with muscle tissues and their functioning
- liver failure
- withdrawal syndrome.
Often, uncontrolled hand tremors are noted in the morning along with a hangover. Alcohol shakes are also one of the symptoms of withdrawal syndrome. With physical exertion, without another dose of alcohol or in a state of stress, the amplitude of movements increases, and the tremor manifests itself more strongly, until the next dose of alcohol is taken.
In people who do not suffer from alcoholism, shakes can occur after a single consumption of alcoholic beverages. This is explained by the reaction of the nervous system to the effects of toxic substances. Intoxication is one of the main factors that stimulate the development of tremors – ethanol is not completely broken down by liver cells, accumulating in the blood and soft tissues. If the liver does not function properly, intoxication is stronger and occurs faster.
The cerebellum is responsible for coordinating movement in the human body. It also suffers from alcohol toxins. Simultaneously with the damage of the cerebellum, the transmission of impulses between the neurons that make up the cervical spinal cord is disturbed. The latter is responsible for the activity of the muscles of the upper limbs. With this combination, when the connection between the neurons responsible for movement is disrupted, alcohol shakes occur.
Thus, toxins entering the central and peripheral nervous system cause damage to cells in the brain and spinal cord, causing certain damage in the long term: cognitive disorders and weakening of mental, intellectual abilities; issues with coordination of movements and balance, change in walking manner and appearance; harmful impact on muscle tissue, nerve cells and endings.
Doctors consider people suffering from high blood pressure, Parkinson’s disease, and endocrine system disorders to be at risk. Also, the risk of occurrence is increased if you consume low-quality alcohol without snacks or eat sweets.
Symptoms of alcohol shakes
Chronic alcoholics have constant symptoms. In other situations, alcohol tremors develop after taking alcoholic beverages:
- rhythmic jerking of the upper limbs
- shivering, due to insufficient concentration of dopamine in the body
- chills
- slight twitching of the tongue and head with the chronic form of the disease
- impaired movement of the upper and lower extremities
- disorientation in space.
If one ignores the symptoms and continues to consume alcoholic beverages, the risk of the following complications increases:
- chronic type of myopathy
- dysfunction of muscle tissue
- progression of encephalopathy and dementia.
Please note that tremors can be a symptom of various diseases, therefore, when shakes appear, it is necessary to clearly track their origin and take appropriate action.

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How to stop tremors
Despite the fact that alcohol tremors need complex treatment, in the early stages of alcoholism, it is possible to neutralize the symptoms. In this case, you should stop taking any more alcohol, drink plenty of water, sleep well, and take sedatives or other medications prescribed by your doctor.
Tremor is often associated with alcohol dependence from which it is quite difficult to get out on your own, so you should not rely on yourself. If the condition is steadily worsening, then professional assistance can be provided by rehabilitation centers, where you can complete full recovery and fight the addiction and all its negative consequences.