Treatment and addiction recovery blog

zoom Understanding Prescription Drug Abuse: Key Symptoms and Dangers

Understanding Prescription Drug Abuse: Key Symptoms and Dangers

Taking medication in a way other than prescribed crosses the line into abuse. What starts as borrowing a friend’s painkillers for a sore back or taking an extra pill for better sleep can escalate into dangerous habits like crushing and injecting drugs for a stronger effect. Prescription drug abuse is a growing crisis that affects people of all ages — from teen drug abuse to adult dependencies. Some of the most commonly misused pills include pain relievers, sedatives, and ADHD drugs. People turn to these medications for different reasons, but the consequences are often the same. It quickly spirals into

March 18, 2025 Laura Millán
zoom Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder: Main HPPD Symptoms

Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder: Main HPPD Symptoms

People suffering from hallucinogen persisting perception disorder (HPPD) often fail to recognize its first signs. It affects their mental state and has a lasting impact on health. The condition is accompanied by flashbacks and unpleasant visual experiences that manifest long after consuming drugs. In this guide, we will analyze the meaning of the ailment, consider the main HPPD symptoms and types, and explore possible ways of assisting affected individuals in controlling anxiety, distress, and various unfavorable consequences. What is HPPD? The term refers to the condition that typically occurs after the non-medical consumption of hallucinogenic drugs. It’s accompanied by troubling

February 17, 2025 Laura Millán
zoom How to Lower Weed Tolerance: A Guide for Better Control

How to Lower Weed Tolerance: A Guide for Better Control

When a person starts feeling that marijuana does not have the same effect it used to have, they may have developed a high tolerance to it. This phenomenon leads to adverse impacts, as the individual needs to ingest more to achieve the desirable result. Increased weed endurance is typically associated with cannabis use disorder, which is especially dangerous for those who utilize it due to medical reasons. The weaker effect of prescribed remedies results in uncontrolled consumption. In this guide, we will consider how to lower weed tolerance and improve health outcomes. What is High Weed Tolerance? When an individual

February 03, 2025 Laura Millán
zoom Dry Drunk Syndrome: Symptoms, Challenges, and Ways to Overcome

Dry Drunk Syndrome: Symptoms, Challenges, and Ways to Overcome

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) coined the term dry drunk syndrome (DDS) to describe a specific condition when an individual who no longer consumes alcohol has to deal with problems that caused the initial dependence on booze. However, many critics doubt the use of the term and believe it should not be used lightly due to its stigmatizing potential. A person with DDS should be ready to transform their mindset and change their behavior patterns to overcome the addiction. In this guide, we will consider the typical causes of DDS and the most result-yielding strategies for helping individuals advance on the way

December 17, 2024 Laura Millán
zoom What is the Most Addictive Drug: a Comprehensive Overview

What is the Most Addictive Drug: a Comprehensive Overview

A person with a substance use disorder (SUD) needs to take decisive steps toward full recovery. People with SUD often exhibit signs of antisocial behavior. They are prone to self-isolation and may experience mental health issues. Prescribed medications cause dependency when used longer than recommended. Bad habits lead to disastrous consequences and poor health. When the brain becomes dependent on a pill, it may be daunting to adjust the behavior patterns without undergoing treatment. In this guide, we will explore what is the most addictive drug and what steps an individual can take to minimize the threat of compulsive substance

November 18, 2024 Laura Millán
zoom Why is Alcoholism Considered a Chronic Disease: Top Facts About AUD

Why is Alcoholism Considered a Chronic Disease: Top Facts About AUD

Most people do not think that a glass of wine at a family event or a cocktail shared with friends may lead to perilous consequences and result in a lifelong addiction. However, regular alcohol consumption may lead to severe outcomes. Health professionals across the globe share a common concern regarding the increasing consumption of intoxicants. Experts emphasize the grave impact of alcohol use disorder (AUD) on health. Fighting this affliction is impossible without dismantling the myths around this phenomenon. In this blog post, we will outline the risks of AUD and answer the question, “Why is alcoholism considered a chronic

October 15, 2024 Laura Millán
zoom How Addictive Is OxyContin: Recognizing the Symptoms and Causes of Addiction

How Addictive Is OxyContin: Recognizing the Symptoms and Causes of Addiction

The misuse of prescription drugs with analgesic properties may lead to a host of adverse effects. Learning how to recognize the symptoms of OxyContin addiction is the only way to use this semisynthetic opioid safely to reduce pain. Even individuals who take it for medical purposes are not protected against the detrimental consequences of its prolonged usage. In this article, we will answer the question: “How addictive is OxyContin?” and determine the signs of opioid use disorder and move toward healing. Why is OxyContin so Addictive? OxyContin is a slow-release painkiller that is safe to use if an individual follows

September 16, 2024 Laura Millán
zoom Can You Get Addicted to Ibuprofen: Comprehensive Risk Assessment

Can You Get Addicted to Ibuprofen: Comprehensive Risk Assessment

Seeking to reduce pain, people increasingly often rely on over-the-counter (OTC) medications without realizing that simple solutions may result in a host of unforeseen consequences. The popularity of ibuprofen stems from its widespread accessibility, affordable price, and pain alleviation effects. However, it might be wise to examine the existing evidence to see whether this nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) is safe to take for prolonged periods. Faced with unexpected ramifications of extended usage, people ask themselves: “Can you get addicted to ibuprofen?” In this article, we will analyze the common symptoms associated with overdose and consider time-tested recovery practices. Is Ibuprofen

August 16, 2024 Laura Millán
zoom Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome: Main Things to Know about CHS

Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome: Main Things to Know about CHS

With the continuing legalization of cannabis across the U.S. states, its usage keeps increasing. However, despite its medical benefits, it contributes to a host of potentially harmful side effects. Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome (CHS) is a rarely diagnosed medical condition accompanied by extreme dehydration and other symptoms that occur in people who utilize cannabis for prolonged periods. In this article, we will clarify the nature of this ailment, explain how it affects health, and discuss possible pathways to recovery. What is Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome (CHS)? Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome is a dangerous disorder resulting in vomiting and abdominal pain. Its advanced stages

July 22, 2024 Laura Millán
zoom Are Psychedelics Addictive: Everything You Should Know about Hallucinogens

Are Psychedelics Addictive: Everything You Should Know about Hallucinogens

Psychedelic drugs are a broad class of medications that modify or amplify energy levels, cognitive functions, and sensory experience. They come in a variety of ways, from artificial substances like LSD to organic plant sources like peyote. We’ll discuss a very important topic today: are psychedelics addictive? The article will touch on the various risks and the dangers involved. Understanding Psychedelics The class of hallucinogens includes psychedelics as a subset. Unlike stimulants or depressants, psychedelics profoundly alter a person’s perception and thought processes. The fact that they are categorized as hallucinogens is not by mistake; they have the ability to

June 20, 2024 Laura Millán
zoom Methadone Withdrawal: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment Options

Methadone Withdrawal: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment Options

Formerly used to treat heroin addiction and as a painkiller, methadone is an artificial opioid. Subsequently, it became apparent that this medicine rapidly leads to addiction and ruins the user’s health. Some of the most common methadone withdrawal symptoms comprise unbearable agony and a constant deterioration of the patient’s well-being. The withdrawal stage is highly challenging. It frequently results in pain and raises the risk of relapse. If you want to manage such an experience with ease, it is vital to understand the timing, severity, and possible changes in these symptoms. Today, let’s explore the complexities of methadone withdrawal and

May 14, 2024 Laura Millán
zoom The Primary Risks of Performance Enhancing Drugs

The Primary Risks of Performance Enhancing Drugs

Most people who play sports at a professional level experience a desire to win. Each of them has their dream. Some do everything possible to perform on the best sports collectives. Others want to get medals at regional or world championships. This desire to win leads some athletes to consume medicines that will give them some advantage over their competitors. They are called performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs). The consumption of such chemicals is usually called doping. Simultaneously, doping is connected with some risks. This blog post will discuss the critical types of PEDs, their impact on our organisms, and ethical concerns

April 16, 2024 Laura Millán
zoom Overcoming Benzodiazepine Withdrawal: Symptoms and Treatment

Overcoming Benzodiazepine Withdrawal: Symptoms and Treatment

Benzodiazepines are psychoactive medications commonly prescribed to alleviate a range of conditions, including anxiety disorders, insomnia, and epilepsy. The development of dependence on benzos arises from the unregulated consumption of the drug. The primary risk lies in the unforeseeable repercussions of its usage. Severe withdrawal syndrome is a major cause for concern. If you’ve been prescribed a benzo, it’s crucial to understand the withdrawal symptoms. Equally significant is gaining insight into the withdrawal timeline. In the article, we’ll shed some light on withdrawal and the duration it may persist. What is Benzodiazepine? Benzodiazepines function as medications that block receptors. This

March 20, 2024 Laura Millán
zoom Exploring How Long Does MDMA Stay in Your System and Addiction Treatment

Exploring How Long Does MDMA Stay in Your System and Addiction Treatment

Ecstasy is a generic term for a drug with any number of chemicals from the amphetamine class. They include MDMA, which activates the central nervous system. However, MDMA is frequently supplemented with other ingredients added to the pills, such as caffeine, amphetamine, barbiturates, ketamine, and LSD. MDMA is a synthetic substance that produces psychoactive effects by acting as a psychostimulant and hallucinogen. When someone opts for it, even for recreational use, he has an energy surge, his mood lifts, and bliss sets in. In our article, we’ll explore the key details and delve into the nuances of how long does

February 15, 2024 Laura Millán
zoom Vicodin Addiction: Frequent Symptoms and Treatment Options

Vicodin Addiction: Frequent Symptoms and Treatment Options

Vicodin, a prescription pain medication, is a go-to medicine for millions of people worldwide trying to relieve moderate to severe pain. Due to its opioid nature, Vicodin has the potential to cause OUD (opioid use disorder) when used beyond the recommended dosage or period when people fall into the trap of addiction. In the article, we’ll touch on the Vicodin addiction, its symptoms, and treatment options. What is Vicodin Addiction? Vicodin falls within the class of analgesics. It contains Hydrocodone and Acetaminophen as active ingredients. The medication suppresses the central nervous system and helps a person stop feeling pain while

January 19, 2024 Laura Millán