Alcoholism Statistics

Are you wondering how many alcoholics in the world there are? Do you want to know some alcoholism statistics? You are in the right place! We collected the most shocking and thought-provoking statistics for alcohol use and other related facts.
General Statistics for Alcohol
- According to the 2015 survey, 86.4% of people aged 18 or older reported that they drank alcohol at some point in their lifetime, 70.1% reported that they drank in the past year, while 56% reported that they drank in the last month.
- More than 10% of US children live with a parent with alcohol problems.
- Alcohol is the most abused addictive substance in America and alcoholism is the third leading lifestyle-related cause of death in the nation.
- 1 million adults ages 18 and older (6.2%) had alcohol use disorder.
- According to WHO alcoholism statistics, alcohol kills 4% of the world’s population, and every year about 2.5 million lives end due to alcohol.
- 88,00 people die from alcohol in the United States annually.
- Alcoholism can happen to just about anyone. However, alcoholism has been discovered to be genetically founded. If you have alcoholic parents, for example, some genetic factors may be pointed to developing an alcoholic problem. Others are driven into alcoholism due to environmental factors, such as pressure, extreme stress, as well as the ease of access to alcohol.
- Two bottles per day can take off 21 years of your life.

Take back control of your life and start on the road to recovery now.
Underage Drinking Statistics
Here are some statistics for alcohol use among young people:
- About 5,000 people under 21 die each year from underage drinking.
- By the age of 15, over 30% of teens have had at least one alcoholic drink.
- People who began drinking before the age of 15 are five times more likely to develop alcohol dependence than those who wait.
- Roughly 7.1 million Americans between the age of 12 and 20 report alcohol use as of 2018.
- Normal adolescent’s brain development is affected by alcohol consumption during teenage years.
- Young drinkers and binge drinkers are more likely than non-drinkers to suffer from suicidal thoughts or contemplation.
- The majority (over 70%) of kids drink at parties with no parent supervision and slightly fewer kids drink at a friend’s home also with no parents’ presence. About 30% of kids drink at home.
- According to a survey in 2008, 31% of underage individuals paid for the last alcohol they used.
- One in six teens binge drinks. Sadly, only 1 in 100 parents believes his or her teen binge drinks.
- Nearly 1/3 of all drunk driving deaths happen to people ages 16-20.
- Over 90% of those with an addiction began drinking, smoking, or using drugs before the age of 18.
Men Drinking Statistics
- The leading cause of death among men ages 16 to 54 is sadly alcohol consumption.
- 8 million men ages 18 and older have alcohol use disorder.
- According to a study, it was alcohol that confidently led among the factors that prevent men from living happily and long. Smoking, drugs, lack of fruits and vegetables, the level of health care costs – all this also affects life expectancy but much less compared to drinking. For example, Ingush men live five years less than women. In Ossetia (genetically similar people), where they actively drink vodka, men die 10 years earlier than women although in all other respects (climate, food), the regions are very similar.
- Most people who die of alcohol poisoning are men – 76%.
- With prolonged regular use of alcohol, men experience a decrease in testosterone production, which entails a decrease and complete loss of potency, infertility, and visible changes in the figure: fat in the body begins to be deposited similarly to the female type, gynecomastia (enlargement of the mammary glands) develops, muscles decrease, skin becomes more porous and wrinkles appear.
- In the United States, 62,000 men die from alcohol-related causes annually.
Women Drinking Statistics
- At the beginning of the twentieth century, the ratio of men and women suffering from alcohol dependence did not exceed 12:1. Today, the situation has changed radically: women make up one-fifth of all alcoholics.
- Women under the age of 40 now drink more than men.
- Scandinavians and Americans believe that the number of victims of female alcoholism in their countries is at least 30%, while the British cite a shocking figure of 50%.
- Since women have a different metabolism, they get affected more for the same consumption. In other words, if a man and a woman drink an equal dose of alcohol, the content of alcohol in the woman’s bloodstream will be higher.
- 3 million women ages 18 and older have alcohol use disorder.
- Some experts believe that by regularly drinking even one low-alcohol drink a day, a woman is already putting herself at risk of developing alcoholism.
- 26,000 women die from alcohol-related causes in the United States annually.
- Women who drink a lot of alcohol are prone to premature aging, weight gain, reproductive problems, and early menopause. That’s not all: they more pronounced malfunctioning of the nervous system. This is expressed in different ways: from sleep disturbances, to complete loss of memory of what happened the day before.

This can be a difficult journey, but you don’t have to go it alone. Let us be your guide and provide you the environment needed to regain control of your life and begin the path to recovery.
Getting Help
Alcoholism, like many other things, is a disease that can get worse over some time. How many alcoholics in the world? As you can see from the alcoholism statistics above, it has become a disease that is as common as high blood pressure or hypertension. Researchers have discovered four basic symptoms of the disease. These symptoms can appear anytime and in any order in a drinker’s life.
One of the symptoms of alcoholism is craving, which is characterized by a strong need to drink. Another symptom is impaired control or the drinker’s total inability to put a limit on his drinking habits. Despite knowing the many dangers that come with alcohol consumption, physical dependence is another symptom. This is when the drinker tries to stop the use of alcohol even just for a short time, but will almost immediately begin to experience withdrawal symptoms. Alcoholism is also known to develop tolerance or the need to increase the amounts of the substance used so that the same effects will be felt.
Unfortunately, people don’t do very much because they enjoy alcohol. It is difficult to deal with the problem before the problem is recognized. Personal beliefs are a powerful catalyst contributing to the behavior. With enough understanding, we can see more clearly how devastating the problem is and that getting help is crucial. About 38 million adults in the US drink too much, but only 1 in 6 has talked about it with a health professional. Change this statistic and seek help for yourself or people you know today!
Families need to stay together and parents need to have dinner with their kids. Kids need to know these shocking statistics and learn the dangerous consequences of alcohol consumption. They need to know how they can seek help. Prevention will make a huge change in alcoholism statistics because it often begins at home, school, and other places where kids and teens spend most of their time.