What is the Cure for Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms

Alcohol withdrawal symptoms can be life-threatening if not handles or treated properly. In this article, we will discuss how to cure alcohol withdrawal symptoms to make it as safe and stressless for the addict as possible.
Before we continue though, we would like to bring to your attention that stopping alcohol use just cold turkey is one of the most dangerous substances to stop cold turkey. In fact, what it does to the human body physiologically is more dangerous than heroin or cocaine. Thus, an important first step in managing the withdrawal process is seeking medical advice.
How to cure alcohol withdrawal safely?
There is no specific time for withdrawal symptoms to strike, but there are general patterns:
- About 8 hours after the first drink, first stage withdrawal symptoms may begin.
- Stage 2 and 3 symptoms may appear after 24-72 hours.
- 5-7 days later, symptoms may begin to decrease.
- After a week, some side effects, especially psychological ones, usually persist and may continue for several more weeks without treatment.
There is no magic cure for alcohol withdrawal symptoms. Addiction treatment should not be done without professional help as symptoms can be unpredictable. A medical detoxification program can provide the most complete and supportive environment at all stages of withdrawal symptoms and their treatment.
The first step during detoxification is to control physical symptoms and achieve stability. Depending on the severity of alcohol withdrawal symptoms, drugs are used. At the same time, healthcare providers must monitor blood pressure, pulse, respiration, and body temperature. Steps must be taken to keep them at a safe level.
Alcohol consumption can be slowly reduced according to a schedule drawn up by specialists and monitored by them. This is necessary to avoid life-threatening consequences. It is important to consume nutrients, vitamins, minerals and drink enough fluids. Eating a healthy diet and getting good regular sleep improves alcohol withdrawal symptoms and helps the body recover faster.
If no complicating factors arise, alcohol withdrawal cure usually takes up to seven days. In severe conditions, withdrawal symptoms are treated in a hospital and may take longer.
When physical symptoms are under control, mental health professionals can help reduce the emotional side effects of withdrawal. One should remember that even after physical symptoms are under control, psychological consequences of alcohol use cannot be left without proper control and treatment.
Relapse prevention is an important goal of any alcohol treatment clinic. Besides medications that we will review next, group and individual therapy can offer ongoing support in and out of the clinic. Anxiety, depression, and potentially suicidal thoughts can be controlled with medications, therapy sessions, counseling, yoga, and meditation.

Take back control of your life and start on the road to recovery now.
Medications as a Cure for Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms
Naturally, those seeking treatment for alcohol dependence or addiction would wonder if medications are used as a cure for alcohol withdrawal symptoms. Medications are sometimes used to manage negative symptoms a person might experience during detox from alcohol.
These are prescribed by medical professionals and are administered in inpatient alcohol treatment centers. Close supervision during medication use ensures the safety of the patient and allows to adjust or change medications as necessary.
- Antidepressant and anxiety medications. During alcohol withdrawal, it is not uncommon for a person to experience anxiety and depression. Chemical imbalances caused by lack of alcohol in the body lead to overwhelming sadness and depressions, so antidepressants are often prescribed. In addition, benzodiazepines (sedatives) can be used during alcohol withdrawal to cureand manage anxiety. These medications help to reduce the activity that the central nervous system experiences as it tries to restore its natural order.
- Anti-nausea medications. Since nausea is another common symptom during detoxing, some medical centers give patients anti-nausea medications to soothe discomfort.
- Anti-seizure medications. Shorter or longer-acting benzodiazepines are usually the go-to class of medications used as management and cure for alcohol withdrawal symptoms, including seizures. Carbamazepine, Gabapentin, Oxcarbazepine, and Valproic Acid are other medications prescribed instead of the benzodiazepines due to less potential for abuse compared to the first one.
There are three main drugs used in alcohol treatment centers to discourage alcohol use: disulfiram, naltrexone, and acamprosate. Naltrexone blocks opioid receptors in the brain, thereby decreasing alcohol cravings. Acamprosate helps to deal with long-term withdrawal symptoms. Disulfiram creates an aversion to alcohol. All three are also used as a cure for alcohol withdrawal symptoms.
Withdrawal Treatment at Home
Many individuals are searching for how to cure alcohol withdrawal symptoms on their own. The condition of patients at the time of withdrawal is usually so severe that the desire to quickly get rid of these symptoms is huge. Medical treatment aimed at detoxifying the body – removing alcohol decomposition products, restoring body functions, and reducing the excitability of the nervous system is often required.
What happens if the alcohol dependent person stays at home? It all depends on those surrounding the individual. A loving mother or wife, looking at the suffering of her loved one, might willingly (or under threat and pressure) give that first sip of alcohol. The individual might also very quickly find an opportunity to drink somewhere with friends or search for hidden stashes of booze. Then, everything will start all over again.
The individual’s condition with withdrawal symptoms is unstable. There will be times when it will seem that the treatment has paid off. However, by the evening and with the onset of night, the withdrawal symptoms and desire to drink might get stronger. At this moment, the individual and those surrounding him or her might not realize the severity of symptoms and seek medical help on time. One can also easily injure oneself or loved ones.
It is better to manage the withdrawal process with experienced specialists and doctors who know what to do in every situation. Only mild forms of withdrawal symptoms can be treated at home and only after a doctor’s consultation and approval. If symptoms such as seizures, high blood pressure, and aggression have appeared, one should seek immediate medical help.