Alcohol Cravings and How to Cope

Alcoholism isn’t a choice. While that first drink may have been, those that continue to be addicted are not making the conscious decision to continue being addicted. Addiction robs a person of the ability to make the decision to stay sober, and alcohol cravings are sometimes just too hard to overcome. This is not something that anyone should have to experience, however if one doesn’t know what it’s like, it can be hard for them to truly relate to the struggle that someone who is addicted faces.
If one wants to truly stop being addicted to alcohol, they need to stop the problem at the root – where it starts – the alcohol craving. This is far easier said than done, as alcohol craving is something that is such a strong impulse that many can’t simply just “start controlling.” The decision to get and stay sober is one that needs to be made every day, taking into full account that they will be dealing with alcohol cravings regularly and largely without any reprieve.
What is an Alcohol Craving?
There are two ways to look at this: scientifically and what a person actually experiences. Scientifically, an alcohol craving is something that has to do with a neurocognitive and emotional response to certain specific external and internal triggers. These triggers ignite a desire to use the substance. Simple logic – your brain wants something, it asks your body to get it. However this is a larger craving. Your brain now really, really wants something – it thinks it needs it, it must have it or all will not be right with the world. In these cases, an individual will lose their priorities. They will put their own health over the chance at obtaining the substance, every other priority takes a back seat before they get their next hit.
When someone loses their ability to make rational decisions because they believe they need the substance over anything else, we call this addiction. These alcohol cravings though are what start everything most of the time, and what most people try to focus on when trying to get better.
Alcohol is such a tricky drug, it is one of the most accessible, easy to buy, consume and it is socially acceptable to drink. Because of this, people that are more likely to become addicted are at even more risk to something like this.
On top of that, one can oftentimes be seen as a social outcast in the world if they don’t drink. If you don’t drink, that can even be a conversation topic at some places and in some circles. The pressure to drink at certain events can be immense, and that first drink may be the first step into a world of pain for someone who gets addicted.

Take back control of your life and start on the road to recovery now.
Signs and Symptoms of Alcohol Cravings
Before alcohol cravings begin, there are specific physical effects that one’s body goes through that they can be aware of before they make any mistakes. Learn what these are so you can help yourself or a friend through their hard time:
- Poor appetite
- Anxiety
- Sleeping problems, insomnia
- Irresistible urge to drink alcohol
- Confusion
- Mood swings
It’s common for people to be easily irritated when experiencing alcohol cravings. If you or someone you know is going through this, recognize it and give them a little extra patience in this hard time.
Benefits of Sober Living
Alcohol craving can start on their own, but usually start from a trigger. There are many different triggers in the world, such as just seeing alcohol, hearing about it, or being in a setting where it’s commonly used. They’re different for everyone, so learning what is true for you is one of the first key steps in creating a sober life.
Sober living is a key way to get yourself clean and keep yourself clean. Join into a sober living house and you’ll find that many of your triggers and cravings will vanish – without them to constantly keep you down, you will find that you can live a sober life and find that your life is not only livable without alcohol, it’s so much better without it.
If you or a friend is suffering from addiction, reach out to us at We are ready and willing to help you in your journey to get clean, we know it isn’t easy. Don’t wait, reach out now, even with the most basic of questions to take the first step into your sober life.