Explaining the Post-Drinking Blurry Vision

Alcohol consumption impacts your normal body functioning in many ways. The effects could be long-term or short-term. Whether you consume just a couple of drinks or involve yourself in heavy drinking, alcohol can affect your vision and eye health. A lot of people consume alcohol for the sake of having a good time and enjoying themselves. When taken in excess, alcohol causes serious damage and injury.
Alcohol has different effects on your body. It will always have an impact on your overall health and body functioning. These effects include blurry vision after drinking alcohol. Other effects, such as slurred speech and slower reactions, are also implicated.
When you consume alcohol, there is only much that your body will take. Continual consumption will cause a buildup of alcohol in the body, and the system finds a way to process it. This is what explains the post effects of blurry vision after drinking alcohol. In this write-up, we’ll examine the effect of alcohol on your vision. “Many persons with chronic alcohol consumption and addiction develop eye-related health concerns,” according to Medical Daily. First, let’s see the short-term and long-term effects of alcohol on vision.
Short Term Effects of Alcohol on Vision
Alcohol slows down body reactions and reflexes. The slow reaction affects vision and makes your sight blurry and unclear. The pupil dilates and contracts with varying light intensity to enable image formation by the retina. Alcohol in the system weakens the pupil, causing difficulties in differentiating objects.
Alcohol also causes short-time distortion of vision by slowing down the coordination between the brain and the eye. That way, your eye will begin to picture blurry images (blurry vision after drinking alcohol).

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Long Term Effects of Alcohol on Vision
Alcohol leaves a devastating long-term effect on vision. Chronic consumption of alcohol leads to impairment in the visual field of your eye, causing decreased peripheral vision. Dry eyes, which occur during excessive alcohol consumption, can become chronic discomfort and blurry vision. Permanent reddening of the eyes can also occur. Long-term drinking of alcohol increases the risk of developing cataracts early in life.
Key Pathological Conditions Caused by Alcohol
- Muscle weaknessAlcohol weakens the muscles of the eyes and results in permanent damage of the optic nerve. If consumed excessively, the optic nerve responsible for transmitting visual images to the brain will be impaired, and vision will not occur.
- Unsightly AppearanceBloodshot eyes are one of the most prevalent physical signs of a heavy drinker. Alcohol causes dilation of the eye’s blood vessels. It gives the eyes a crimson hue and makes them appear larger.
- Rapid eye movementAlcohol intake can cause a syndrome characterized by uncontrollable eye movement in a back-and-forth motion. Excessive intake of alcohol causes jerking motion of the eye that you may not be able to control.
- Blurred or Double VisionAnother result of excessive alcohol use is blurred vision. This is because of impaired neurological functioning in a person with excessive alcohol.
- Reduced sensitivity to colors that contrastWhen under the influence of alcohol, distinguishing between light and dark shades becomes more difficult.
Alcohol, like any other addiction, can cause long-lasting damage to your body. If you consume a lot of alcohol and you are worried about your eyesight, get checked in an eye clinic and get treatment. Also reach out to us for support. If you are battling alcohol addiction, simply reach out to us for help at ecosoberhouse.com.