Xanax addiction: How to cut the strings of drug cravings

Drug addiction is a disease that can affect any person. It takes very little time to develop. Even extremely addictive substances might initially appear to be harmless. Xanax is one of them. The medication, created to aid in the battle against insomnia, is easy to get at pharmacies. However, it is a drug with detrimental side effects. Even if Xanax is advised by a specialist and purchased with a prescription, remember that the most potent sedatives quickly lead to addiction. They have only to be taken in the dosages recommended by a specialist while strictly supervised by a doctor. In this article, we will talk more about Xanax addiction and how to spot it.
How addictive is Xanax?
Many wonder how addictive is Xanax and at which point it inflicts damage on your body. Xanax is a potent tranquilizer (anxiolytic) and strong sedative that specialists advise to deal with depression, anxiety disorders, and sleeplessness. It is frequently used to treat the unpleasant effects of alcohol withdrawal syndrome. The state of the patient’s physique and the illness’s severity are also taken into account. But Xanax is likewise a drug with aggrieving side effects:
- lightheadedness and headaches;
- enhanced sluggishness and helplessness;
- liver and intestines damage;
- memory loss;
- increased anxiety in the event of a sudden medication withdrawal.
Alprazolam, the main element of Xanax, acts as a medication for the neurological system. As soon as it enters the body, it is swiftly ingested into the circulation and immediately disseminated throughout all bodily tissues. A reduction in brain activity and the emergence of euphoria are two Xanax addiction signs. Even while taking drugs that a doctor has prescribed, such an impact still happens. However, it is vital to remember that an overdose leads to a person quickly getting accustomed to the pleasant sensation of physical and psychological tranquility, transforming the medication into a potent narcotic trip when taken in excess.

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Dangers of Xanax
The medication Xanax’s narcotic qualities render a person permanently dependent and pose the most considerable risk. A person frequently develops a drug addiction to deal with excessive anxiety, sadness, and other issues. Because of these drawbacks, Xanax is referred to as a dangerous sedative.
Among Xanax’s additional risks are:
- neck, cheek, and lip swelling, which makes it difficult to breathe;
- sleep issues, or persistent daytime drowsiness;
- diminished brain capacity and memory problems;
- abdominal discomfort, diarrhea, or constipation;
- increased violence and reduced ability to protect oneself;
- apathy and depression.
Most of the aforementioned side effects are seen when first taking the substance or when addiction develops. It is essential to speak with a drug counselor immediately if Xanax addiction symptoms are present.
Xanax addiction statistics during the last ten years have been supplied by both government and independent organizations. The following are some more current data on Xanax abuse: Overdoses on Xanax are responsible for about 125,000 trips to emergency rooms; Every year, doctors dispense more than 50 million prescriptions for Xanax — they are still increasing at around 10% annually. Moreover, the highest rate of violence across all age categories is among those between the ages of 18 and 25, at approximately 11 percent.
How does Xanax work?
The medication is used to treat a variety of anxiety-related conditions. The body is complexly calmed after taking pills. The mechanism of action involves:
- The activation of endogenous GABA’s (Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid) inhibitory function.
- A fast rise in GABA receptor sensitivity in the central nervous system.
- A reduction in the excitability of the brain’s subcortical regions.
The modest hypnotic effect of Xanax, which enables people to calm down, relax, and go to sleep, is another crucial part of the drug’s activity. Overdosing has the opposite impact from what is intended — a person feels happy and carefree, their mood considerably improves, and depression or other issues are forgotten. Long-term, unchecked drug usage leads to Xanax addiction, mental diseases, and other problems.
Addiction formation
Long-term drug usage is risky since it leads to severe dependency. Due to various factors, including health status, body characteristics, dose, individual susceptibility, etc., it is challenging to pinpoint the precise timing of its formation. Addiction often appears between 1.5 and 2 months after starting to regularly use dosages that are higher than what is advised.
When people stop using alprazolam, they experience withdrawal syndrome, one of the most detrimental effects of drug addiction. The neuropsychiatric symptoms the medication intended to address resurface with the pathological state. Most patients start to feel that they can’t live a whole life without this medication. Of fact, this is not at all the case. This issue is not insurmountable.
Symptoms of Xanax dependency
Most frequently, someone who abuses Xanax does so to feel at ease and peaceful. Xanax addiction results from using the drug without an expert’s prescription, which has detrimental effects. It develops quickly and can result in an overdose. Although an addict frequently uses Xanax covertly, you may spot the problem by a few signs:
- rapid tiredness and sleepiness;
- confusion;
- slurred speech and vocal changes;
- difficulty forming opinions;
- severe headache, erratic behavior, increased perspiration, bodily tremors,
- numbness in the hands and feet, skin redness, and the emergence of a rash;
- unexpected changes in weight;
- increased sensitivity to loud noises;
- facial, throat, and other body swells;
- nausea, and vomiting.
A person should seek treatment immediately if they exhibit a handful of the symptoms on this list. Only a professional can safely detox from the drug — you can hardly handle Xanax addiction on your own.
Combination of the drug with other substances
Alprazolam and other medicines together have the potential to have permanent effects. Alcohol and Xanax usage together is not allowed since the anxiety medication intensifies the impact of the alcohol and raises the risk of acute intoxication. It poses a threat by reducing cardiac and respiratory activity up to cardiac arrest and apnoea.
The patient’s performance, social life, and quality of life are all impacted by drug use. The effects of addiction affect not only the addict but also their loved ones. Family dynamics deteriorate, disagreements occur at work, and they lose hobbies and contact. Don’t disregard your loved one’s health. At all phases of therapy, timely aid from experts and unwavering support from loved ones can help patients deal with the issue and overcome addiction.
Ways to treat Xanax addiction
Alprazolam, the primary active ingredient of Xanax, is an extremely addictive medication with severe narcotic effects. In line with a typical Xanax addiction rehabilitation program, treatment for this medication dependency should be provided at a reputable rehab. Here, Xanax dependence is treated in various stages. Detoxification, or removing alprazolam from the body, is the first step. Using droppers containing saline, sedatives, vitamins, and other ingredients, toxins are expelled from the body.
In counterpart to that, the doctor decides which therapy to recommend depending on the patient’s overall health and usage history. Physical therapy, food, sleep, and Xanax addiction treatment affect the body’s recovery.

This can be a difficult journey, but you don’t have to go it alone. Let us be your guide and provide you the environment needed to regain control of your life and begin the path to recovery.
Rehabilitation with Eco Sober Houses
Rehabilitative care is crucial. The results of the body’s cleansing and restoration need to be solidified. The patient sees a psychotherapist, attends group and one-on-one sessions, and rebuilds social relationships and communication skills during recovery.
It is hard to handle the situation on your own since the patient starts to experience the most severe panic attacks without receiving the next dose of the medication, during which they can hurt themselves and those around them. A person may return to a full, healthy, and sober life after receiving assistance from Eco Sober Houses on the road to recovery from the excruciating addiction to Xanax. A person can meet like-minded people in sober homes who will support them on this arduous road. However, the staff of sober homes will do everything possible to facilitate this journey. Get a consultation from Eco Sober Houses — take care of your happy life without addiction or take the first step to help your loved one. EcoSober always has your back.