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Alcohol Help Now: Get Help for Alcohol Addiction Now
The main prerequisite for successful addiction treatment is the person’s desire, internal motivation. Relatives, close friends, colleagues, and doctors can only help those who want to get rid of the addiction, the desire to do it for the one suffering from alcohol use will not give results. Thus, if a person is looking for alcohol self-help strategies for quitting drinking, it is a sign that one is ready to take the necessary steps to actually live a new life. Reading and following suggestions found in alcohol self-help books makes it easier to achieve the desired result and keeps one motivated.
How to Stop Drinking Alcohol
Alcohol is sneaky and dangerous. At first, it gives you freedom from all the worries and stress, but then gradually it deprives you of your ability to get pleasure and happiness from other activities. No one starts drinking to later become dependent on alcohol. Yet, it eventually happens to almost everyone. How to stop drinking before it is too late? Today, we are going to share some tips for quitting drinking. Finding motivation Before we move on to helpful tips on how to quit drinking, we want you to find a real motivation for quitting drinking. After all, the desire
How Does Alcohol Affect Essential Tremor?
Tremor is a movement of various body parts that occurs independently of a person’s will. In the overwhelming majority of cases, individuals experience tremors of the upper limbs, as well as the legs, neck, head, face, vocal cords, or the whole body. Tremor is detected both as an independent disease and as a manifestation of another disease. Overview Tremor also exists as an independent disease. This condition is called essential tremor. This is a neurological disease that is characterized by the trembling of hands, tongue, chin, head, voice, rarely other parts of the body. Damage to the nervous system can
Alcohol Shakes and Tremors
Regular alcohol intake becomes a reason for the development of chronic alcoholism and the formation of physical and psychological dependence. This complex disease has many symptoms that appear externally and help to accurately diagnose and determine the stage of alcohol dependence. Alcohol tremors caused by a disorder of the central nervous system is a clear sign of addiction. What are alcohol shakes? Alcohol shakes or alcohol tremors are the result of prolonged intoxication with ethanol and damage to both the central and peripheral nervous systems and muscles. Such a syndrome occurs in almost all addicted to alcohol. In women, it
Stages of Alcohol Intoxication
Ethyl alcohol, which is contained in all alcoholic drinks, is poisonous to humans. The body has ways to process alcohol. The liver secretes an enzyme called alcohol dehydrogenase, which helps to process ethanol and remove it from the body. However, the liver’s capabilities have their limits. So, if alcohol continues to enter the body, then it does not have time to be processed, and alcohol poisoning or alcohol intoxication is inevitable. 4 Stages of alcohol intoxication It is customary to divide alcohol intoxication into four stages of intoxication, which differ based on the person’s condition, perception of reality, and the
Alcohol and Aging
Aging of the body is a natural process and there is no getting away from it, but sometimes you can come across cases when this process happens too fast. Alcohol and aging of the body Does alcohol make you age? Alcohol use is considered to be one of the main causes of premature aging. It’s not just that alcohol shortens the ends of chromosomes, which are responsible for the genetic stability of the cell. It is not only that drinking makes the capillaries weaken, the skin dehydrated, and fibroblast cells that restore elastin fibers to die. Alcohol systematically kills every
Does Alcohol Cause Bruising?
Falling off of a bike or hitting a coffee table with your leg and then waking up the next morning with a bruise – this happened to everyone. Before we dive into the topic of alcohol and bruising, let’s first review what bruises are. Bruises occur when blood vessels get damaged and burst under the skin, so the blood from them, spreading, causes a slight swelling of soft tissues. Usually, a black and blue mark pops up as the result of an injury. Bruising also occurs for several other reasons besides an injury. For example, it occurs more easily as
Does Alcohol Cause Dehydration?
Many of us only start drinking water when we feel thirsty. Meanwhile, thirst is one of the first signs of dehydration. Without sufficient water, the human body cannot function properly. Does alcohol dehydrate you? Yes, indeed, alcohol and dehydration are closely related. Alcohol disrupts water balance. It removes water and retains it at the same time. Water retention As a result of water retention, the body is dehydrated, but puffiness is present. In other words, with a hangover, we do not suffer from absolute dehydration, but from an insufficient volume of circulating blood. The liquid does not leave the body
How Long Does Alcohol Stay in Your System
People ask the question “How long does alcohol stay in your system?” for many reasons. Some simply want to know when they can safely drive, while others are required to watch their alcohol consumption due to work responsibilities. Before answering, let’s first review how alcohol affects your body. Not many people are aware of the fact that alcohol is not digested in your body like food or other drinks. Upon absorption, alcohol begins to enter the human bloodstream. Theoretically, it can begin to be absorbed already in the mouth, absorbed through the mucous surface, but in practice, it can be
What Happens to Your Body When You Stop Drinking Alcohol
Do you still have a drink almost every day? Or drink beer with friends once a week? According to a report published by one of the world’s most prestigious medical journals, the Lancet, on the results of a global and long-term study of alcohol effects on the human body, there is no minimum safe level of alcohol. Try eliminating alcoholic beverages and foods from your life for just 30 days and see what happens to your body when you stop drinking. Men and women usually notice amazing changes not only on the physical but also on the mental and emotional
Diabetes and Alcohol
Diabetes is a serious illness accompanied by chronic metabolic disorders in the body. The main cause of diabetes is a lack of natural insulin production, as well as glycemia (excess amount of glucose in the blood). In the course of treatment, doctors often prescribe a strict diet that restricts or completely eliminates alcohol consumption. Let’s see if it is possible to drink alcohol if you have diabetes, as well as the effects of alcohol on diabetes. Alcohol and diabetes facts Alcohol makes it significantly harder for the liver to work Unlike carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, alcohol is not absorbed in
How to Do an Intervention for an Alcoholic?
People who constantly drink alcohol do not consider themselves addicted to alcohol and do not admit their illness. Therefore, quarrels, threats, attempts to persuade them will not force them to undergo treatment. Alcohol dependence in men and women develops in a similar way. The addiction arises gradually. It can start with the use of light alcohol drinks (beer, wine, cocktails). One of the ways to help the addict is to use an alcohol intervention method. The alcohol intervention can be done by family and friends. In many cases, it also involves the help of specialists who have knowledge and experience
Effects of Alcohol on the Body
At present, alcohol consumption is increasing almost everywhere in the world. In most economically developed countries, the problem of alcoholism occupies one of the leading places. Every adult and most younger individuals know that alcohol is harmful not only for physical but also for mental health. Today, we will review the alcohol effects on the body. Brain The destructive effect on the brain is one of the most dire consequences of the effects of alcoholic beverages on a person. Alcohol consumed on a regular basis causes irreversible changes in the brain that prevent the body from functioning properly. It is
The Role of Genetics in Alcoholism
Alcoholism is a chronic progressive disease of the human brain and not just a bad habit. The key sign of alcoholism is alcohol dependence, which manifests itself in the form of a painful craving for alcohol – the desire to consume alcohol for no reason, against generally accepted norms and rules, and despite obvious negative consequences. Such craving is devoid of logical meaning, from the point of view of a healthy person, and is not fully realized by the addict. In other words, alcohol begins to control a person. Is alcoholism a result of heredity, genetics, or the harmful influence
How Can You Moderate Your Drinking?
Moderate drinking One day, an individual comes to the conclusion that they can’t drink the way they used to and need to do something about it. This way of drinking will lead to an undesirable ending and they try to drink in moderation and control alcohol use in various ways. By moderate alcohol consumption, as a rule, we mean a certain amount of alcohol, after which a person can potentially control their behavior, maintain coordination of movements, and speak clearly. At the same time, it should be noted right away that each person creates their own “measure”, due primarily to