Treatment and addiction recovery blog
Benefits of Living A Sober Life
Sobriety can be a hard life to live, but one that’s extremely rewarding in the end. Understanding your own goals and why you personally want to become sober is the first step in truly living a sober life. As hard as it might be, you can become sober. Your situation might seem dire at times but it certainly isn’t hopeless. Adjusting to a sober life isn’t the easiest thing, and struggling to adjust to it is a normal part of the process. If this is you, fear not! You’re not alone. Understand that this a normal part of the process
Types of Relapse Triggers and How to Avoid Them
Relapse is a hard part of the sobriety process. Understanding what exactly you can do to avoid a relapse yourself is your ticket to success. Be on the lookout for these parts below so that you can be your best self and find the most success when walking the worn, weary and hard road to sobriety. Relapse Your path to sobriety starts with a single step, but it comes with the expectation that you will make many more sequential steps following it. Some say that the first step is the hardest – others say that different stages are harder. The
Healthy alternatives to drinking alcohol
Whatever you eat or drink, be sure that you’re keeping in mind what it does to your body. Whether you realize it or not, everything that you put in your body has major effects on your mood, energy, everything is centered on what you eat and drink. Because of these, many times each day you will decide what to drink. Whether at a party, restaurant, or just hanging out at home, living a sober life does limit your choices, but it doesn’t have to limit your life. Take control of your life by picking drinks that are better alternatives. Living
Should I Go Back to Rehab?
Sober living is a lifelong process, and one that can’t be expected to have problems along the way. Exiting rehab can be one of the most liberating experiences, but at the same time it can be rather difficult as time goes on. There are many different signs that you might want to go back to rehab, but some signs are more obvious than others. If you or someone you love is having any issues with addiction, reach out to a rehab center right away. Understanding the Purpose of Rehab Rehab is typically a place where one goes to get sober
Vacation and Recovery
Recovery is a lifelong process. It’s something that needs to be consistently watched over and practiced. Summer welcomes new and familiar vacations and as a consequence – new and old triggers for those in recovery. Learning how to deal with these problems and going into summer with your game plan in place is one of the main keys to having a successful and sober summer. Some might say that vacation might not be for them while they’re in recovery – and that may be the case for some, but fear not if you think all is lost. There are solutions
Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome Symptoms and Signs
Alcohol is a normal part of society around the world. Just about anywhere one goes, they can find alcohol served or sold. While it can be a catalyst for a good time in some settings, it can be incredibly harmful and even life-ending in other contexts. Alcohol is not a mysterious drug – its effects are well known – and that’s probably one of the most disturbing facts. This highly addictive substance can be more than just an outward problem for some, some can center their entire lives around it, and put them in an early grave. The CDC defines
Sober Houses Vs. Rehab
Sober houses have cropped up everywhere it seems. In new and old neighborhoods, becoming the centers of new communities in others. The question is then asked: what’s a sober house, and how is it any different from traditional rehab? Traditional rehab is a place where individuals go to detox, to really try to get through the first months of kicking their addiction for good. In some cases, these places are court-mandated or can hold people “for their own good” until they have safely gone through the effects of the harsh withdrawal they might be experiencing. Sober houses are the next
Alcoholism: Everything You Need to Know
Alcohol addiction can ruin lives, relationships, everything that one has worked hard for. Even after years of high-functioning alcoholism, alcohol always wins in the end if left unchecked. Thankfully, there are resources to help one get clean and stay clean for the rest of their lives. Quitting cold-turkey is much harder than it might seem at first. Without proper support, it could be an impossible task. Read on to learn everything you need to know: What is alcohol addiction Is alcoholism a disease? What’s the difference between alcohol abuse and alcoholism Can alcoholism be genetic? What are the major causes
3 changes to make your home more environmentally friendly
Our home is what we make of it – so the saying goes. Learning to take care of it in the best way possible is the next step in fully realizing what it means to have a life worth living here. While some things might seem insignificant, and one person’s actions might not seem like a lot in the long run – that’s simply not true. You can make a difference – learn what small steps you can take to change the world around you. Make Your Home an Environmentally Friendly Environment Especially now, our homes have become our main
Difference between social drinking and drinking problem
Alcohol is ingrained into normal society. It is found in nearly every house, restaurant, or social location that expects people. Over 50% of Americans drink alcohol on a regular basis, and while it is a common, moderated substance for most, understanding it and the dangers it can present is critical to keeping yourself safe, healthy and happy. What Is Social Drinking? Social drinking can be any kind of drinking that one does out in a bar, restaurant, or in a home with family or friends. It takes many forms, from the small get together for your best bud’s birthday to
Sober house in Mattapan
The mission of Eco Sober Houses in Mattapan, LLC is to provide men with a safe and healthy environment to address problems with drugs and alcohol. Eco House provides the tools to live a safe, clean, and productive life in order to reintegrate back into society. Our strategy is individually customized, acknowledging the distinctiveness of each individual’s path to recovery. We concentrate on comprehensive healing, encompassing the mental, physical, and emotional dimensions to nurture enduring sobriety. The address of this house is 74 Capen St., Boston, MA.
What is a Relapse Prevention Plan
A relapse prevention plan is a series of means that make sure you don’t return to drinking during your recovery period. It sounds scientific, but it generally doesn’t include much besides living a healthy life. And that may be quite challenging for an Ex-Drinker. Creating a positive experience The most important step is to create a plan for your self-improvement. You need to find something that draws your passion more than alcohol does and understand how you might make a living out of it, both to bring productiveness into your life and to distract you from a possible return to
Alcohol and Depression: Why do they often accompany each other?
Depression and alcohol coexist very well together. Finding yourself in the grasp of depression increases your chances of developing alcohol abuse, and vice versa. In the end, you’re under a threat to get into a vicious circle of strengthening of both conditions endlessly. How are they connected? Drinking and depression are connected very tightly. The depression symptoms and the side-effects of excessive drinking are very alike. They include: unstable mood changes; loss of interest in hobbies and activities; loss of appetite; increased self-depreciation; exhaustion and lack of energy. Some of these are obviously not the side-effects of drinking itself, but
Difference between sober house and halfway house
A sober living home is a step in the evolution of caring for people with alcohol issues, starting with Alcoholics Anonymous. In Alcoholics Anonymous, people only came to the meetings, no one asked their real name, but they only told their stories and discussed them. Halfway house as a half-measure The halfway house is really a semi-measure in living a sober lifestyle. A variety of people with very different backgrounds, styles of thinking and behavior, age and gender come to the halfway house to live there temporarily. They are not only recovering after alcohol issues, but also drug abuse, prison,
How to rebuild your life after addiction
Getting rid of your addiction is only half the way to your new sober existence. You’ll also have to maintain that sobriety and rebuild your life after addiction to reflect your new self. In addition, you’ll need to repair what was damaged by the addiction, and it’s never easy. Starting anew Addiction (be that alcohol or drug abuse) is a very disruptive force. Addiction prevents you from acting rationally, both in anticipation of the craved substance and especially after you’ve satisfied the needs of addiction. Certainly, it impairs your perception and makes you behave like you wouldn’t otherwise. Yet, when