Laura Millán


Laura Millan has been a social worker for 14 years. Having earned a bachelor's degree, she got her first job in Georgia. Early in her career, Ms. Millan provided counseling services for children and troubled teens. Having faced addiction in her loved one, she got anxious about the issues facing adult people. Over the years of working, Ms. Millan has helped recover hundreds of Americans. Currently, she is engaged in counseling, writing articles, and throwing light on the working in Eco Sober Houses.


Phone: +1 (617) 982-1790

zoom Alcohol Abuse And Alcoholism

Alcohol Abuse And Alcoholism

Alcohol has been ranked as one of the five most addictive substances. It can take a serious physical and emotional toll on a person’s life and life of people around. Do you know someone that has a problem with alcohol? Do they drink to excess? Are you worried about it? In this article, we will talk about how to determine if there is an alcohol problem and how to help this individual. Alcohol Abuse vs. Being an Alcoholic Do you know the difference between alcohol abuse and alcoholism? Most of the time when we are worried about somebody misusing, we

calendarJuly 02, 2020
zoom Addiction Rehabilitation Center: What is it?

Addiction Rehabilitation Center: What is it?

Alcohol and drug addiction is a very common problem in many countries. It causes a number of physiological and psychological changes in the body, which make a once healthy and active person a helpless “creature” with only one goal – to find and use the next dose of the substance. Hundreds of thousands of people and millions of their relatives suffer from this problem every year. If these individuals (or their close people) do not take the necessary measures in a timely manner, the risks of getting irreversible harm are inevitable. In a Rehabilitation Center, a special program for the

calendarApril 28, 2020
zoom Recovery Residence: What is it?

Recovery Residence: What is it?

A Recovery Residence provides the best setting for men and women in the recovery from alcohol and/or substance abuse process. Those staying in Recovery Residences receive structure, guidance, and a safe place to learn all the skills that can help them turn their life around – to become strong, independent, and sober once they transition out of the residences. There are usually about 6 to 8 individuals living in one house. The length of stay ranges from ninety days to one year.  Recovery Residence name can apply to peer-run housing that utilizes outside recovery support programs and residences that are

calendarApril 28, 2020
zoom What is Oxford House: Homes For Recovery

What is Oxford House: Homes For Recovery

Humans are complex organisms that constantly find something new for themselves. At first, it seems so harmless and even fun, but a little later, the boundless joy of a new hobby gives way to a series of ongoing depression and troubles. This hobby is an addiction to alcohol, drugs, and games. There are many people suffering from addiction around the world, and, sadly, this number is only increasing.  These people found help in Oxford houses. The first such house was open relatively not so long ago, in 1975. It was established by recovering alcoholics that wanted to create a house

calendarApril 28, 2020
zoom Sober Houses: What is a Halfway House

Sober Houses: What is a Halfway House

A halfway house appeared back in the 19th century when a belief that offenders should be given a punishment that fits their wrongdoings to deter them from repeating their criminal actions began to change. The society put in more effort to understand the thinking of criminals and help them become law-abiding, healthy, and productive members of society once again. Nowadays, the halfway house, also often simply called a sober house, is a center for helping former drug addicts, prisoners, mental health patients, or others to adjust to life in general society. These are publicly or privately operated facilities staffed by

calendarApril 28, 2020
zoom What is a Sober Living House?

What is a Sober Living House?

Over 90 percent of people that go through alcohol and drug addiction treatment relapse within the first year. After people discharge from treatment, they need to learn new lifestyle habits. They learn these new habits by living in a sober living home. They need a different environment because if they go back to the same environment, they were in prior to the treatment, they will end up back in treatment. The only way people are going to change their old ways is if they live in a new environment with accountability, structure, support, community, and purpose. People that completed the

calendarApril 28, 2020