Treatment and addiction recovery blog

zoom How to Stay Sober When Others Are Drinking

How to Stay Sober When Others Are Drinking

Sobriety is drug avoidance, abstinence from compulsive behaviors, and improved bio-psycho-social health. Sobriety includes all three of these things. You are only as sober as you do these three things, and the less you do them, the less heavy it is for you to stay clean. Sobriety is determined by the amount of work you have done today. If you are recovering from alcohol addiction, you already know how much work it took to get there, and you need to do everything you can to avoid relapse. It may seem like a relapse is the last thing happens to you,

May 05, 2022 Laura Millán
zoom Sobriety Can Suck, But Things Will Get Better

Sobriety Can Suck, But Things Will Get Better

Alcoholism is a debilitating condition which affects you and every person you know. Friends and loved ones are especially susceptible to the harmful effects of alcoholism. It’s easy to promise yourself to stop drinking constantly, but it’s much harder to take the initiative to stop drinking and sober up. A sober life is a natural way of life of a person, which is laid down by nature. Alcohol use is imposed by society and constant advertising. Without alcohol, a person can be happy while not losing his sanity. After all, alcohol intoxication creates the illusion everything is okay in life,

May 02, 2022 Laura Millán
zoom Reasons for Drinking After Sobriety and How to Avoid It

Reasons for Drinking After Sobriety and How to Avoid It

Few people manage to change their drinking habits on the first try successfully. In most cases, this is a long learning process accompanied by breakdowns. Any situation requires practice, and sometimes you need to pull yourself together and start over. Moving towards the goal is not always as direct a path as we would like. It is often a winding road with obstacles that we have to overcome. Coming back to old habits does not mean that you need to give up and give up. It is just a temporary retreat, which does not mean failure. On the contrary, it

April 29, 2022 Laura Millán
zoom Is Alcoholism Different from Drug Addiction?

Is Alcoholism Different from Drug Addiction?

The framework of people’s attitudes towards alcoholism and drug abuse is still blurred. The romance of soft drugs during the hippie era, celebrities’ weakness to alcohol, interest in alternative subcultures — all this causes an ambivalent attitude and disputes on permissiveness. Nevertheless, when talking about addiction treatment and rehab, numerous doctors consider addiction to alcohol and drugs to be a severe illness. Such substances affect the health and psyche of a person. Moreover, it can destroy the whole life. The disease progresses quite quickly, and it is complicated to cope independently. Alcohol vs drugs — there are numerous similarities and

April 26, 2022 Laura Millán
zoom Marriage Changes and Rules After Sobriety

Marriage Changes and Rules After Sobriety

Alcoholism is the biggest problem of our time. It is a severe chronic disease formed based on physical and mental dependence. A person suffering from substance addiction destroys his whole life — he loses friends, work, family and marriage. Even if the person is now sober, he should care about his life — make it up for his loved ones, for people who cared about him. However, when a period comes when a person has become wholly sober and abstains from alcohol, some partners believe relationship problems will evaporate. Of course, in the first months, everything is fine. The partners

April 23, 2022 Laura Millán
zoom How Sugar and Alcohol Addiction Are Linked

How Sugar and Alcohol Addiction Are Linked

Sugar and alcohol have a surprising amount of things in common. In nature, we got them from one product — fruits (ripe and fermented). But the similarities don’t end there. It turns out that sugar and alcohol cause the same problems in the liver that provoke insulin resistance. And besides, sugar and alcohol are addictive substances. But why do alcoholics crave sugar and how are two of these things linked? Addiction to joy juice and sweets is associated with the same part of the brain. Sugar and alcohol equally lead to depression, burnout, and reduced willpower. Features of alcohol and

April 20, 2022 Laura Millán
zoom Vitamins to Take When Recovering from Alcoholism

Vitamins to Take When Recovering from Alcoholism

Some substances help to return to normal life during the treatment of alcoholism quickly. These include supplements, multivitamin complexes and vitamins B1, B6, and C. Alcohol consumption causes numerous disorders of the internal organs of a person. Alcohol or drug addiction contributes to the rapid leaching of all valuable compounds from the body. Therefore, it is necessary to use vitamins for recovering alcoholics and minerals to alleviate the condition. The impact of alcohol People who have been drinking alcoholic beverages lack whole groups of microelements. It is especially true of vitamin B12, which is washed out even with a small

April 17, 2022 Laura Millán
zoom How to Deal With Trauma-Driven Alcohol Blackouts

How to Deal With Trauma-Driven Alcohol Blackouts

Memory lapses in the morning after a stormy night, or trauma-related alcohol amnesia, are relatively common. A person recalls the last day’s events in fragments, and in some cases, large segments fall out of memory. It is because alcohol metabolites destroy connections between neurons, delay the transmission of nerve impulses and make it difficult to store information. Alcohol abuse occurs in numerous men and women with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The combination of alcoholism and PTSD is significantly more likely to lead to low income, unemployment, and impaired social functioning than when these disorders are apart. It is partly due

April 13, 2022 Laura Millán
zoom Can`t Sleep Sober? Here`s What You Can Do

Can`t Sleep Sober? Here`s What You Can Do

It is not exceptional for people to fall asleep by tipping a glass or two. It helps for a while, but then extreme problems begin. It’s getting late, and you can’t sleep without alcohol. Don’t think about sleep. A glass of wine, you decide, will help. And indeed: alcohol reduces brain activity, so your thoughts are no longer spinning endlessly, and you forget about the day’s pressure. The essential heaviness in bed will soon follow. When you’re drunk, you fall asleep faster. But then comes the big problem. As the night goes, alcohol takes revenge, and sleep irritations appear: sleep

April 10, 2022 Laura Millán
zoom How Alcohol Can Weaken Your Immune System

How Alcohol Can Weaken Your Immune System

Everyone knows how alcohol weakens your immune system. Despite the well-known unhealthy effects on the body, joy juice is tightly ingrained in our society. Each country has its national alcoholic drink and even has a culture of drinking it. To oppose the culture of drinking can only be realized what dangers the use of alcoholic beverages carries. The immune system is the tool your body uses to protect itself from infections, such as harmful bacteria and viruses, so you don’t get sick. But like muscles, the immune system can also be weakened. Then it will no longer protect you from

April 07, 2022 Laura Millán
zoom Dialectical Behavioral Therapy in Alcohol Addiction Recovery

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy in Alcohol Addiction Recovery

Dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) is a type of therapy which stems from Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). Over the years, psychotherapists searched ways to help people get through therapy in a less distressing way. Dr. Marsha Linehan established DBT initially for women who have borderline personality disorders, suicidal thoughts, and self-harm behaviors, which are chronic depressive symptoms that could result from drug or substance use. DBT has proven to be a more effective treatment for these behaviors than CBT. However, research shows DBT is also highly effective for men. The therapy method teaches people how to get sober or overcome addiction

April 04, 2022 Laura Millán
zoom What is Alcoholic Cardiomyopathy?

What is Alcoholic Cardiomyopathy?

Cardiomyopathy is a cardiovascular disease indicated by weakened heart muscles, which disrupt blood pumping and blood circulation. Alcoholic cardiomyopathy is a type of heart problem caused by long-term heavy drinking. It is a dilated type of cardiomyopathy that can lead to heart failure. Recovery from alcoholic cardiomyopathy is possible if you abstain from alcohol. There are also medications recommended by doctors and ultimately surgery in very rare cases. Explanation of Alcoholic Cardiomyopathy Alcoholic cardiomyopathy is heart damage resulting from long-term alcohol abuse or frequent binge drinking over a long period. When a person consumes too much alcohol above the body’s

March 31, 2022 Laura Millán
zoom Explaining the Effect of Abstinence Violation

Explaining the Effect of Abstinence Violation

When dealing with or recovering from alcohol addiction, relapsing is always a real and ever-present danger. The road to becoming better and being free from drinking is not smooth and has its ups and downs. Recovering comes with a lot of highs and lows, and the only thing that matters and is truly important is that the addict keeps striving on. Relapsing isn’t the end of the world on the road to recovery. Many alcohol addicts who have recovered suffered a relapse at some point. Instead of simply going on and hoping you don’t relapse, it may be best to

March 28, 2022 Laura Millán
zoom Explaining the Post-Drinking Blurry Vision

Explaining the Post-Drinking Blurry Vision

Alcohol consumption impacts your normal body functioning in many ways. The effects could be long-term or short-term. Whether you consume just a couple of drinks or involve yourself in heavy drinking, alcohol can affect your vision and eye health. A lot of people consume alcohol for the sake of having a good time and enjoying themselves. When taken in excess, alcohol causes serious damage and injury. Alcohol has different effects on your body. It will always have an impact on your overall health and body functioning. These effects include blurry vision after drinking alcohol. Other effects, such as slurred speech

March 25, 2022 Laura Millán
zoom Goodbye Letter Addressed to Alcohol

Goodbye Letter Addressed to Alcohol

There are a lot of actions to take when trying to do away with addiction but writing a goodbye letter is one of the greatest ways to hasten the process of terminating your addiction. When writing a good addiction letter, be honest with yourself. Focus on why you need to get clean and meditate on recovery. Set some goals to achieve, and write down the steps you would take to achieve those goals. Once you start rehabilitation on your addiction, writing a letter will constantly remind you of why you need to let go of the past. Example of Goodbye

March 22, 2022 Laura Millán