Treatment and addiction recovery blog

zoom Why We Have a Fear of Being Sober

Why We Have a Fear of Being Sober

Being afraid to quit drinking is not something unnatural. Drinking is a legitimate coping mechanism, even if it’s not very healthy. This fear is also not unconquerable, and the first step in stopping the drinking addiction is getting rid of your sobriety fears. Why do people drink? Why do I hate being sober? That’s the first question you have to ask yourself. Why is drinking so appealing, and why losing it makes you uneasy and afraid? Well, there are several reasons: Drinking is a primary coping mechanism for many people. Alcohol makes you forget about your problems, it relieves stress

March 12, 2021 Laura Millán
zoom Alcohol Misuse

Alcohol Misuse

We have all heard that alcohol is bad for health. Drinking alcohol can be devastating and even life-threatening. Even a one-time binge can lead to a significant deterioration in health, injury, or death. The long-term effects of alcohol on the body are very serious. Alarming and chronic health problems are inevitable in the long run. Long-Term Effects of Alcohol Let’s get acquainted with what alcohol misuse can do to our bodies. Blood. Alcohol inhibits the production of platelets, as well as red and white blood cells. This means that one can suffer from anemia, infections, bleeding. Brain. Alcohol slows down

February 26, 2021 Laura Millán
zoom Signs of Alcoholism: Causes and Stages for man and woman

Signs of Alcoholism: Causes and Stages for man and woman

For many, drinking alcohol is the easiest and most affordable way to celebrate a happy or sad event, relieve stress after a hard day at work, and overcome shyness in an unfamiliar company. The problem is worsened by the media that shows alcohol in an attractive light. Noting warning alcoholism signs can prevent an impending disaster before it begins to destroy lives. Stages and Signs of Alcoholism First stage The initial addiction is gradual and can last from a year to a decade. Several warning alcoholism signs distinguish the underlying symptoms of alcoholism from normal behavior. The urge to feel

February 26, 2021 Laura Millán
zoom How to flush alcohol out of your system

How to flush alcohol out of your system

Anyone who drinks alcohol even from time to time, at least once asked the question: How to get alcohol out of your system safely and quickly? Considering that the quarantine and the coronavirus crisis have caused a surge in alcohol consumption around the world, it is likely that more people are asking this question. It is known that ethanol, which is present in all alcoholic beverages, upon reaching a certain level of concentration in the blood begins to act like a poison, disrupting the function of blood circulation, affecting the brain and other organs. According to the WHO, as a

February 26, 2021 Laura Millán
zoom Alcohol Withdrawal Seizure

Alcohol Withdrawal Seizure

Despite being widely accepted and easily accessible, alcohol is more dangerous than most would like to admit it. The consumption of alcoholic beverages has fatal health and even life consequences. Ethanol, which makes up this substance, is a poison, the effect of which inhibits the human central nervous system. Alcohol tolerance gradually develops into dependence, while the body is exposed to the pathological influence of toxic substances. World Health Organization (WHO) experts rank ethanol in the top 5 leading risk factors for morbidity, disability, and mortality worldwide. Alcohol withdrawal, or alcohol withdrawal syndrome, is a reaction of the central nervous

February 24, 2021 Laura Millán
zoom Alcohol Detox Side Effects

Alcohol Detox Side Effects

Detoxification of the body is a complex activity, the purpose of which is to remove toxic and harmful substances and decomposition products of ethanol from the body. As a result, well-being is significantly improved, abstinence is smoother, the functionality of internal organs is normalized, the balance of vitamins and basic microelements is restored. Most importantly, alcohol detoxification prepares the individual for the next stage – active treatment followed by rehabilitation. It is the initial and most important stage in the treatment of alcoholism. When is detoxification required? Alcohol in large quantities has a toxic effect on the body. Regular use

February 24, 2021 Laura Millán
zoom Binge Drinking

Binge Drinking

How many glasses of alcohol is a binge? According to government advice on binging, it may be a lot less than you think. Moreover, it depends on what type of drink one is consuming. For example if you have three beers and two glasses of wine, you are binge drinking. Such heavy episodic, especially frequent, drinking can affect all areas of life: work, family, environment, physical and mental health. Below are just a few typical scenarios. The statistics on binge drinking are alarming. Over 50% of alcohol consumed by adults is drank during binges. For youth under the age of

February 18, 2021 Laura Millán
zoom What is the Cure for Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms

What is the Cure for Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms

Alcohol withdrawal symptoms can be life-threatening if not handles or treated properly. In this article, we will discuss how to cure alcohol withdrawal symptoms to make it as safe and stressless for the addict as possible. Before we continue though, we would like to bring to your attention that stopping alcohol use just cold turkey is one of the most dangerous substances to stop cold turkey. In fact, what it does to the human body physiologically is more dangerous than heroin or cocaine. Thus, an important first step in managing the withdrawal process is seeking medical advice. How to cure

February 09, 2021 Laura Millán
zoom Alcohol Detox: Tips How to Detox from Alcohol Safely at Home

Alcohol Detox: Tips How to Detox from Alcohol Safely at Home

As you might know, ethyl alcohol is broken down by liver enzymes into carbon dioxide, water, and other components safe for humans. However, a constant abuse of alcohol leads to the fact that the liver ceases to cope with the load, and the toxic decomposition products of ethyl begin to accumulate in organs and tissues, negatively affecting all vital functions of the body. Given this fact, alcohol addiction treatment always starts with alcohol detoxification. Going through an alcohol detox process cannot be considered a cure for alcoholism. Since the craving for alcohol remains the same, and the dependent person will

February 09, 2021 Laura Millán
zoom The Consequences of Drinking Alcohol: Symptoms and Effects

The Consequences of Drinking Alcohol: Symptoms and Effects

The consequences of alcohol consumption that goes beyond recommended include: Medical: Alcohol leads to damage to organs such as the liver, the central nervous system, the risk of acute myocardial infarction, pulmonary tuberculosis, lung cancer, chronic bronchitis, the birth of children with birth defects and diseases, an increase in infant mortality, etc. Social: Consequences of alcoholismfor society include an increase in crime, morbidity, disability, mortality, and similar issues. Socio-economic: A decrease in working capacity as a result of the effect of alcohol abuse on health leads to material and economic damage to society, a decrease in labor productivity, etc. Consequences

February 02, 2021 Laura Millán
zoom Alcohol Insomnia

Alcohol Insomnia

Sleep is one of the basic physiological needs of the body. The alternation of its main phases (deep and light) is due to the production of certain neurotransmitters. This process is disrupted by alcohol consumption. However, these disorders have a two-way relationship. In many clinical studies, it has been confirmed that chronic insomnia contributes to the development of alcoholism. Researchers found that people with sleep problems are twice as likely to be addicted to alcohol as those who do not. On the other hand, one can experience insomnia after drinking alcohol. For a long time, there is an opinion that

January 27, 2021 Laura Millán
zoom How To Reduce Alcohol Cravings Naturally

How To Reduce Alcohol Cravings Naturally

There are many herbs, such as milk thistle, goldenseal, dandelion root, kudzu, St. John’s wort, and ashwaganda, that people use to naturally reduce alcohol cravings. For example, in addition to relieving withdrawal symptoms, dandelion root also helps to curb the craving for alcohol. Milk thistle eliminates toxins from the liver, which helps to lower the desire to drink alcohol, and treats liver damage done by alcohol. Used in Ayurvedic medicine, ashwagandha is also claimed to alleviate anxiety and minimize alcohol cravings. Kudzu root is another herb to consider. Modern studies have confirmed the effectiveness of Kudzu extract in relieving painful

January 25, 2021 Laura Millán
zoom Psychological Dependence on Alcohol

Psychological Dependence on Alcohol

Alcohol dependence can be caused by: Prolonged stressful situation, chronic fatigue Predisposition to anxiety Depressive states occurring not only as a temporary reaction but also as a disease Problems in personal life, such as emotional and sexual dissatisfaction Lack of understanding in the family Lack of social belongingness (when a person does not have a permanent job, family, regular interests and favorite activities) State of loneliness, boredom, and unfulfillment Social pressure. Of course, there are too many reasons for the formation of alcohol dependence to be able to list them here, but there is a definite pattern. Most reasons behind

January 21, 2021 Laura Millán
zoom How Long Does a Hangover Last?

How Long Does a Hangover Last?

After a fun night out or simply when one has had too much, the question “How long does a hangover last?” usually arises. For most people, the main hangover symptoms end within 24 hours. However, sometimes it can actually take more than one day to fully recover. That is, you can feel uncommon sleepiness and even mild nausea for two days after the party. The hangovers and the severity of the condition most often depend on how long you sleep. Sleep is useful for overcoming intoxication syndrome, so even if you had a lot of fun, but you managed to

January 19, 2021 Laura Millán
zoom How to Build Alcohol Tolerance as Quick as Possible

How to Build Alcohol Tolerance as Quick as Possible

Some people may drink more alcohol than others without getting drunk. What is alcohol tolerance? Is there any benefit to it and how to build alcohol tolerance? What is alcohol tolerance? Each of us noticed that one can drink more or less than others. Someone drinks three cans of ice-cold beer in the heat just to quench their thirst and cool down a little. For some, such a dose will be more than enough to be completely drunk. This can be explained by such a thing as alcohol tolerance. With the regular use of alcohol, the body learns to process

January 15, 2021 Laura Millán