Laura Millán


Laura Millan has been a social worker for 14 years. Having earned a bachelor's degree, she got her first job in Georgia. Early in her career, Ms. Millan provided counseling services for children and troubled teens. Having faced addiction in her loved one, she got anxious about the issues facing adult people. Over the years of working, Ms. Millan has helped recover hundreds of Americans. Currently, she is engaged in counseling, writing articles, and throwing light on the working in Eco Sober Houses.


Phone: +1 (617) 982-1790

zoom Five Reasons Not to Drink After Work

Five Reasons Not to Drink After Work

A little glass of wine to relax, a quick beer after work to cut the edge, a shot or two to get your mind off of things. All things said in the moment that seem like acceptable reasons to have a drink at the end of your long day. But what if these “harmless” phrases and thoughtless drinking was actually a lot more sinister than you ever would have thought? Today we will look at five reasons that you should take a second thought before you take your first drink at the end of the day. 1. Creating a Negative

calendarSeptember 28, 2021
zoom How to Deal with Peer Pressure

How to Deal with Peer Pressure

Regardless of your familiarity with addiction, everyone experiences peer pressure in some form or another. Unfortunately, addiction and peer pressure can go hand in hand. Peer pressure can be the beginning of some people’s addictions, and peer pressure can be the reason that so many stay addicted. Learning to deal with peer pressure in your communities can help you overcome your addiction and help you overcome your triggers, and help keep you on the path to sobriety. Below we will discuss the different kinds of peer pressure and how you can learn to manage them responsibly. Peer pressure is a

calendarSeptember 16, 2021
zoom How To Reduce Alcohol Cravings

How To Reduce Alcohol Cravings

Getting sober after a lifelong battle with alcohol is a massive accomplishment, and not one that everyone gets to celebrate. If this is you, you know the challenges that need to be overcome in order to get to where you are today, and you know what kind of challenges others face as they start or continue their journey. If you are coming out of recovery, you know that being in recovery is a lifelong process, not one that can be forgotten about and then picked up when convenient. This means making daily habits that help reinforce your decision to stay

calendarSeptember 15, 2021
zoom What Does an Alcoholic Really Look Like?

What Does an Alcoholic Really Look Like?

Popular culture has everyone believing that they know exactly how to spot an alcoholic. From the classic drunks at Moe’s pub in the Simpsons to many other stereotypical alcoholics that exist in today’s media. While those stereotypical archetypes didn’t spring up from nothing, they only describe one type of alcoholic, one that’s loudly crying for help. In real life, alcoholics are much harder to spot, and while this might not be your job to pick out an alcoholic out of many, it’s helpful to know the symptoms so that you can help your friends or loved ones should the time

calendarSeptember 14, 2021
zoom Feel guilty for drinking too much?

Feel guilty for drinking too much?

If you have been experiencing feelings of guilt because you drink more than everybody else, you should know that you are not alone in this feeling. Many people across the world struggle with alcohol dependence. However, that shouldn’t become a reason to stay in this condition. There is a different life, where you can be completely sober and guilt-free. A life free from addictions and burdens of alcoholism. Can’t stop while others can? One of the most common misconceptions is that no one would understand you and your problems. In fact, in many cases, it’s quite the opposite as a

calendarSeptember 13, 2021
zoom Basic tips for sober summer parties and bbqs

Basic tips for sober summer parties and bbqs

The desire to drink some cold alcohol on a hot summer day may not attract a regular person. However, alcohol-dependent people may find this idea to be not just attractive, but a perfect excuse to day drink since it’s “just for refreshment”. What might be an even better excuse? Summer BBQ parties! They sound like an innocent and fun activity for people that don’t have a tendency to drink too much. For people that have weakness for alcohol beverages this may be a perfect trigger of eager desire to drink. Thinking about drinking One of the most efficient ways of

calendarSeptember 11, 2021
zoom The Feeling of Being Drunk

The Feeling of Being Drunk

What’s it like to be drunk? Do you enjoy being drunk? These seem like crazy questions to ask, especially to someone who regularly drinks. If they’re getting drunk all the time, they must really love the feeling of being drunk! If you’re anything like most people though, you might haven’t asked the question and honestly tried to answer it. It might be a more complicated question than at what first meets the eye. Do you remember your first drink? Most people remember not liking it. Why do people keep coming back? Societal pressure perhaps. Drinking is ingrained into our culture

calendarSeptember 09, 2021
zoom Problems with alcohol abuse and PTSD

Problems with alcohol abuse and PTSD

Alcohol abuse and PTSD are two common problems. Unfortunately, due to the nature of PTSD, it can often lead some to be more vulnerable to alcohol abuse. Many people who struggle with PTSD turn to alcohol to mask their symptoms. While this might feel like a good decision in the short term – in the long run, it only accentuates your problems. Understanding both of these conditions can better help one treat loved ones (or yourself) should you know anyone who is suffering from this. What is PTSD? Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a condition that affects people who have

calendarSeptember 04, 2021
zoom Recovery: How Sharing Your Story Can Help Others

Recovery: How Sharing Your Story Can Help Others

Being in recovery is a difficult situation. It can be even more difficult if you go through it alone. Hearing other’s stories and being a part of a support group is one incredible way that you can make your recovery just a little bit easier. Being in these support groups aren’t only for you to receive – one of the best parts of being in a support group like these ones is that you get to share your story along with others as well. It might be hard to recall some of the stuff you have been through – but

calendarAugust 27, 2021
zoom Binge Drinking: When Does it Become a Problem?

Binge Drinking: When Does it Become a Problem?

When you think of binge drinking, what do you think of? Most people think of the hard parties or the late nights out without any stoppage. One might think that one night out isn’t the end of the world, and while one might not be, are you aware of the effects of long term binge drinking? For some people, it simply amounts to stumbling around, slurring their words, or getting sick, but the truth is that binge drinking looks much more serious than any of those things. It’s not always easy to spot someone who binge drinks. The effects are

calendarAugust 26, 2021
zoom Alcohol Cravings and How to Cope

Alcohol Cravings and How to Cope

Alcoholism isn’t a choice. While that first drink may have been, those that continue to be addicted are not making the conscious decision to continue being addicted. Addiction robs a person of the ability to make the decision to stay sober, and alcohol cravings are sometimes just too hard to overcome. This is not something that anyone should have to experience, however if one doesn’t know what it’s like, it can be hard for them to truly relate to the struggle that someone who is addicted faces. If one wants to truly stop being addicted to alcohol, they need to

calendarAugust 25, 2021
zoom Cognitive Dissonance Theory and Sober Living

Cognitive Dissonance Theory and Sober Living

The human brain is no less than a work of art. Intricately crafted, and while we have a great handle on what our brains do and how they operate, there is still much to be found out. Addiction, dependence, and many other things are linked to brain chemistry. While there’s still much to be found out, much is known – and understanding what is known currently and how it can affect your life as someone who is trying to become sober will give you a huge advantage when it comes to staying sober or helping your friends through a troubled

calendarAugust 24, 2021
zoom The Challenges of Early Recovery

The Challenges of Early Recovery

After one has gone through rehab and is trying to reintegrate back into normal life, the first few weeks can be the hardest. Trying to figure out who you are while sober, who your friends are, and how to act in family events are all different challenges within themselves. During the summer months, as parties and family get-togethers are still in full swing, it can be even more difficult to really understand how to tackle each of these questions. Gathering some strategies to help you be successful in your sobriety is key in getting through the summer. Have a Plan

calendarAugust 23, 2021
zoom The Role Of Family Support In Addiction Recovery

The Role Of Family Support In Addiction Recovery

In general, your family are the people that are closest to you, know you the best, and have been through the most with you. If you have a family member that is struggling with addiction, you might be wondering what exactly you should be doing to help them, what you can be doing, and what your role should look like throughout the process. How should you act? What is the best way to help them? What can you do right now? If you’re asking these questions, feeling helpless, frustrated, or weak when it comes to your loved one, you’re not

calendarAugust 22, 2021
zoom Ways to Create Meaning in Your Life

Ways to Create Meaning in Your Life

Since the beginning of time, humans have struggled to find the answer to what is the meaning of their own lives. In some cases, people have found it in their careers, their families, their hobbies, or religion. In other cases, people without an answer turn to things to fulfill them with temporary meaning that inevitably leaves them hollow and empty inside. The sweet trap of substance abuse tricks users into giving them a sense of hope, of meaning in life, then rips that away as the high wears off. One cannot live a life that is devoid of meaning for

calendarAugust 21, 2021