Treatment and addiction recovery blog

zoom Alcohol Abstinence vs Moderation

Alcohol Abstinence vs Moderation

Today, society is more comfortable with alcohol. An amount that is already clearly harmful to health is considered normal. The problem arises if there is no longer control over one’s life and physical dependence arises. If a person does not get drunk for a long time (and this is already alcohol tolerance), society treats it as acceptable alcohol consumption, as long as one can control his behavior, there is a family and a permanent place of work. People are sure that the limit of what is allowed can be determined by how you feel: as long as you do not

October 06, 2020 Laura Millán
zoom Alcoholism Statistics

Alcoholism Statistics

Are you wondering how many alcoholics in the world there are? Do you want to know some alcoholism statistics? You are in the right place! We collected the most shocking and thought-provoking statistics for alcohol use and other related facts. General Statistics for Alcohol According to the 2015 survey, 86.4% of people aged 18 or older reported that they drank alcohol at some point in their lifetime, 70.1% reported that they drank in the past year, while 56% reported that they drank in the last month. More than 10% of US children live with a parent with alcohol problems. Alcohol

September 30, 2020 Laura Millán
zoom High Functioning Alcoholic: Traits, Signs and Symptoms

High Functioning Alcoholic: Traits, Signs and Symptoms

A glass of wine, a glass of whiskey, a couple of beers in a friendly company – what’s wrong with that? Moderate drinking hasn’t hurt anyone yet. Even doctors say it’s good for your health. Be careful, the cult of alcohol is developing in society: there is just one small step from “everything is under control” to serious problems. We are accustomed to thinking that the word “alcoholic” means a person lying dead drunk in the mud, from whom decent people shy away, an unemployed, homeless, lost person who causes nothing but feelings of disgust and pity. Despite the fact

September 28, 2020 Laura Millán
zoom Five Stages of Alcoholism

Five Stages of Alcoholism

Alcoholism is characterized by a strong mental and physical dependence on alcohol intake. It is a disease that develops rapidly and goes through several stages in its development, during which there is a gradual increase in alcohol dependence and a decrease in the possibility of self-control in drinking alcohol, as well as the progressive development of various disorders caused by alcohol poisoning of the body. Traditionally, the following main groups of persons are distinguished in the population: Individuals who do not drink alcohol Individuals with moderate alcohol consumption Individuals who abuse alcohol (development of alcohol dependence) No signs of alcoholism

September 25, 2020 Laura Millán
zoom Alcohol Dependence: Signs and Symptoms

Alcohol Dependence: Signs and Symptoms

Not many people can tell alcohol abuse vs. dependence apart. Individuals begin to abuse alcohol and gradually become dependent on it for one reason or another. At first, perhaps, a person drinks from time to time, then more and more often, the volumes of the drink increase. As a rule, nothing happens suddenly. That is why it is difficult to determine that specific moment when a habit turns into a big problem. Both alcohol abuse and dependence are currently considered alcohol use disorders, but it is difficult to draw a dividing line between the two. Abuse… … is an issue

September 24, 2020 Laura Millán
zoom Alcohol Allergies: Causes and Symptoms

Alcohol Allergies: Causes and Symptoms

Any allergy is associated with an unreasonably increased sensitivity of the immune system to certain substances that enter the body from outside. That is, when faced with a foreign but at the same time harmless organic compound, the human defense system begins to produce antibodies with unjustified intensity, which destabilizes the normal functioning of the body due to the absence of a real enemy. Allergic reaction or alcohol intolerance? Allergy to alcohol is caused by the fact that your immune system does not respond appropriately to it. A true alcohol allergy is hardly ever encountered. The mechanism of hypersensitivity to

September 23, 2020 Laura Millán
zoom Alcohol Poisoning: Signs, Symptoms and Treatment

Alcohol Poisoning: Signs, Symptoms and Treatment

Wine alcohol was first learned to get in the 6th – 7th century AD in the Arab countries, where it was called “al–koél “, which means intoxicating. In Europe, the production of alcohol became a branch of the food industry already in the late Middle Ages. The production and consumption of spirits increased significantly in the 18th – 19th centuries. Overview It doesn’t matter if you drink expensive wine or cheap vodka – both contain alcohol, which is poisonous to the body. Alcohol has a chemical name of ethanol, which is a drug that depresses the activity of the central

September 22, 2020 Laura Millán
zoom What is Alcohol Withdrawal

What is Alcohol Withdrawal

Alcohol Withdrawal Overview Did you know that 88,000 deaths are annually attributed to excessive alcohol use and this number only grows? The decision to stop drinking alcohol can be a huge step in a person’s life. People see benefits in mind, spirit, relationships, and also in their bodies. Individuals who have alcohol dependence disorder will experience some form of alcohol withdrawal if they decide to stop drinking all of a sudden or cut back on their drinking. Fortunately, in many cases, alcohol withdrawal will be mild or moderate, but about one in five cases it will be severe. In these

September 21, 2020 Laura Millán
zoom Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)

Alcoholics Anonymous is the pioneering self-help group that was founded in 1935 by Dr. Bob Smith and Bill Wilson in Akron, Ohio to help alcoholics achieve and maintain sobriety. Since then, many other 12 Step programs have been created, such as Al-Anon, Codependents Anonymous, and Gamblers Anonymous to help people overcome unhealthy compulsive behaviors. What is AA? AA is short for Alcoholics Anonymous. AA is made up of men and women who have lost the ability to control their drinking and who have developed a variety of problems as a result of drinking. Its members strive to live a fulfilling

September 18, 2020 Laura Millán
zoom Fetal alcohol syndrome: Symptoms and causes

Fetal alcohol syndrome: Symptoms and causes

Even if it is true that a glass of wine is not harmful and perhaps even beneficial to the mother, it is extremely dangerous for a fetus. There is no evidence that any level of alcohol is safe for the developing fetus. Yes, you or your friends may get lucky and have completely healthy kids even if you drank one or two glasses of wine during your pregnancy. But is it worth risking the health of a future baby? Fetal alcohol syndrome, which some might call alcoholic fetal syndrome, is the most severe diagnosis in the fetal alcohol spectrum disorders

September 17, 2020 Laura Millán
zoom Support for People Who Struggling with Alcohol Addiction

Support for People Who Struggling with Alcohol Addiction

Did you know that 40 million people suffer from substance abuse disorder and only 11% receive dedicated care? People who suffer from alcohol addiction and individuals surrounding them should know that there are help and support available. No one should have to do it alone. Recovery from addiction is no easy task, and the consequences of relapse can be devastating, even deadly. Fortunately, now there are many support options out there. In addition to having a recovery plan, one should build a support system for sobriety, which might include AA, NA, Celebrate Recovery, sponsors, outpatient addiction and mental treatment, and

September 14, 2020 Laura Millán
zoom Best Alcohol Addiction Recovery Books

Best Alcohol Addiction Recovery Books

There are many articles and videos on alcohol addiction recovery. Yet, there is something about books that makes us think deeper and get more insights into the addiction problem and how to recover from addiction. We put together a list of some of the best alcohol addiction recovery books for both those who are recovering from the addiction and close to them people. 1. Memoirs of an Addicted Brain by Marc Lewis This book is written by a neuroscientist who is in recovery, which gives this book a perfect balance of science and story. Memoirs of an Addicted Brain has

August 21, 2020 Laura Millán
zoom Alcoholism vs Alcohol Abuse

Alcoholism vs Alcohol Abuse

In the United States, much of our culture centers around drinking. Problems that result from drinking too much, too fast, or too often affect more than 14 million US adults. So, how can we recognize some of the problems? Alcohol abuse It is easy to get swayed by studies about alcohol that proclaim to have health or social benefits like, “a glass of red wine a day could protect your heart,” or “moderate alcohol consumption increases attractiveness”. The truth is that not everyone has the ability to “moderate” their alcohol consumption. This is where alcohol abuse starts. Alcohol abuse is

July 30, 2020 Laura Millán
zoom What is Alcohol Abuse and How To Treat Alcoholism?

What is Alcohol Abuse and How To Treat Alcoholism?

There are still many misconceptions surrounding the disease of alcoholism. Most people in the mainstream really have no idea what the disease of alcoholism is and what it entails. What is Alcoholism? Alcoholism researchers and medical professionals as early as 1784 talked about alcoholism as a disease, but it was not until 1933, shortly after prohibition in the United States, that alcoholism was recorded as an actual disease. So, what is alcoholism? Alcoholism is classified as a physical, emotional, spiritual, and social disease. Alcoholism affects a person on a physical level. It actually attacks the reptilian brain the limbic system,

July 21, 2020 Laura Millán
zoom How to Get Started on the Road to Recovery from Alcohol Addiction

How to Get Started on the Road to Recovery from Alcohol Addiction

Everyone loves a drink once in a while, but how much is too much? It usually starts as a harmless habit and spirals out of control to an extent that it becomes person’s sole purpose for the existence. Alcohol addiction can ruin a person’s life. Although everyone knows its adverse effects, it is so addictive that one cannot go without having another drink. Yet, it is possible to give it up completely. When it comes to alcohol addiction, it is important to recognize that your actions are what will dictate whether or not your life changes for the better. You

July 10, 2020 Laura Millán